Code of Conduct

_This is the place to share your ideas with ARTURIA

We value your feedback on how to create a unique experience for everyone here. This forum aims to be the space to share our vision on sound and the experience of creating music.

_What to do on this forum ?

  • :eyes: Read the Code of Conduct here.

  • :writing_hand: Create a topic to share your talented creations or any feedback of our products. Be sure to create the topics on the specific section.

  • :camera_flash: An image is worth a thousand words, please use screenshots to easily communicate and illustrate your bugs or any issue.

  • :walking_woman:t2:Wander around the different topics and discuss any and all subjects!

  • :musical_keyboard: Please make sure to use the right category of your product when creating a topic and using Your sound category when sharing your creations.

  • :globe_with_meridians: By now we communicate mainly in english in order to communicate with our international community.

  • :zap: We hope you enjoy this forum, it’s made with love from the ARTURIA team. If you have any feedback please do so on our “Forum feedback” section.


Please read the Sound Explorers Forum Code of Conduct and join our community!

Be benevolent

The forum is a space for the community to express itself about the Arturia products. Respect each others’ opinions, be welcoming and communicate with empathy, :zap: and :control_knobs:

Be attentive

We do our best to screen all posts and ensure they respect our conduct. However, do your research and be aware that posts -if not written by us- aren’t officially related to Arturia.

Be honest

Don’t impersonate another person, don’t mislead, don’t use someone else’s property, and if you’re unsure of how to answer a question, don’t invent! All I know is that I know nothing - Socrates.

Be tidy

Mi casa es su casa. This forum is yours so keep it clean! Be sure to start a topic in the right category, answer in existing threads, and if you agree with a post, like it!

Don’t harass

We have a strict no-harassment policy. Harassment includes but is not limited to offensive verbal comments, hacks, or other online activity related to gender, sexual orientation, physical or mental ability, age, socioeconomic status, ethnicity, physical appearance, race, religion, sexual images, deliberate intimidation, stalking, inappropriate physical contact, and unwelcome sexual attention.

Don’t shill

The SOUND EXPLORERS forum is a place to share ideas and debate on them. This is not a platform to push financial or any other products, advertise shady ideas, Ponzi schemes, thimblerig, don’t flimflam, fraud, scam or any other funny word related to deceit.


The Arturia team reserves the right to remove posts or users if they do not satisfy this code of conduct.

The Sound Explorers community is what you make of it, and as a community we can share valuable information that will help us to improve everyone’s skills while using Arturia!

We encourage you to use this markdown guide when posting in our forum to keep your message stunning and nice to read for everyone :metal:

We hope you continue to use it to connect with Sound Explorers worldwide for many years to come - thanks!

Acid in Analog Lab - when?
[Feature Request] NKS Support for Analog Lab V
Yamaha V50 (4OP Synth Workstation) - Presets Bank
Arturia Pigments Facebook group
New Forum opinion
[Feature Request] Autopan effect
Trying to upload an mp3 track // format not allowed
[Feature Request] Easier MIDI Controller Mapping In Analog Lab V Standalone Mode
New Forum opinion
New Forum opinion
Cannot make firmware update to my MicroFreak
There is a bug with the Modulation from the Advanced Tab
[Feature Request] Button respond to status external device. Is that even possible?
[Feature Request] Any update soon?
[Feature Request] AudioFuse Control Center App for iOS
Linux [Feature Request]
Drumbrute Impact has no presets out of the box
Stuck notes problem is back all of a sudden
Matrixbrute discontinued?
New Forum opinion
New Forum opinion
HELP : Hardware linked to Minifreak VST, can't record ARP/SEQ pattern out
[Feature Request] Some suggestion to help improving soundbank buying
Knobs and scroll wheel don't do anything in Logic Pro X
Discord servers?
KeyLab 61 MkII and how to use some MIDI tracks at the same time
What's going on with Arturia Support?
"Deckard's Electric Dream", a (free) preset bank for Pigments
Uneffected output
Uneffected output
Joe Zawinul on Arturia Pigments
3 year Pigments user here - latest preset retail prices seem unrealistic
Why the $750 keylab is inferior to the $99 minilab3 in Logic Pro
Linked product info can't be found
Sync FX1 / FX2 / FX3 button Minifreak V and Minifreak
New Sounds for Minifreak
New User Intro
[Feature Request] MiniLab 3 - Shift-Lock
[Feature Request] Use MiniFreak as V-Collection controller?
Arturia Should Make A DAW
Welcome to the Sound Explorers Community :rocket:
Have Arturia staff abandoned the forum?
Minilab MK3 relative mode - Ableton - still not working
A key improvement for Pigments browser
Had I known I would have had to register for the "right to use" a non refundable product I paid for
[Feature Request] No templates for the default MIDI mapping on the V Collection?