[Feature Request] No templates for the default MIDI mapping on the V Collection?

I only see integration for the Minilab 3 with the Analog Lab V, but not with the V Collection

There isn’t a Template which matches the Default MIDI map configuration on the V Collection (which seems to be the same for all of the products). Rather, the controls on the only inclued Template are some generic ones, which feel pretty awkward for a begginer; they aren’t intuitive at all

Aren’t there any downloadable Templates for the Minilab, or mapping files for each synth, which locks them together? I expected these to be already loaded in the MCC or at least the files to be included in the installers

Hi @bichuelo we’re glad to see you here!

The V-collection 9 has 33 instruments that you can use as stand alone and in your DAW, so in fact it needs a bit of time and experience to start feeling confortable. Here is a list of all virtual instruments included on the V Collection 9

While Analog Lab V is a plugin included on the V-Collection and Pigments that allows you to play preset instruments and sound banks, it’s quite fun for a beginner to discover in fact.

Here is a series of 11 MiniLab3 tutorials that you can find in our official YouTube channel and hopefully will help beginners to get through.

If you’re looking to make a track here is a tutorial using the software bundle included AbletonLive Lite and AnalogLab Intro

If you want to dive deep I strongly suggest you to have a look to the MiniLab3 Manual and check our FAQ.

Also we kindly invite you to read our Code of Conduct to get the most from our community!

I hope this info will help you!

This is such an unfortunate reply, mainly based on a template. I didn’t use any harsh language but it is offensive to see you didn’t read my message, at all.

And yes, it seems the product is made only for begginers, and it’s not even well designed to be useful for an intermediate, let alone an advanced user which expects things like standard MIDI mappings, for products of its own brand, to be ready to use straight out of the box

Please, if you want your own product to have more value in the street and sell more, you must include at least one MIDI mapping which matches all of the products from your own V Collection. I already checked and they do have the same mapping accross all of them

I am now being forced to create my own template and load it to the device in order to make it useful beyond Analog Lab. Afterwards, we will have to load this template into every unit we bought for our school (a Berklee Global Partner), so they are able to learn synthesis easily

This, is something Arturia should include in the product. Please include it in the next update. It will make it a better product, for sure

Additionally, you are asking me to read the manual, which is precise and can be searched within. Screenshots can be taken. Browsing along a video to look for a specific command is very lengthy, cumbersome and unpractical

The manual for the Minilab is for firmware 1.0.5 while the latest version is 1.1.1
The manual for the MIDI Control Center is 1.0 while the software runs 1.16.3

You should be entitled to ask for this, if you had your manuals up to date. This is really dissapointing, Arturia

Hey @bichuelo sorry you didn’t find helpful the information I shared. Hopefully someone else from our community will be able to help you.

Here we welcome all topics and promote a cool environment, that’s why we always invite everyone new on the forum to check our code of conduct who explains on detail how to keep this a great space for everyone.

We wish you the best on all your musical projects :zap: