[Feature Request] Autopan effect

It would be nice having an autopan effect in the Minifreak, either in the FX section or as some new parameter that you can assign an LFO to, in the matrix.


Hey @molul we’re glad to see you here!
Indeed it could be nice this improvement. Thanks for your feature request, we will let our team know about it.

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Hi, great idea!

I would also add a pan subtype which assign both oscillators to each channel, keeping the rotating effect driven by LFO/matrix

Like other FX types, it would have Rate, Depth and Ratio parameters, with subtypes

  • Default (OSC1+2)
  • Stereo (OSC1=L, OSC2=R)
  • Mono (only 1 OSC)

and X-fader effect which blends L to R and R to L in same time, resulting a weird mixing effect like we’re panning each channel to other
not sure it would really usable but sure fun to R&D :wink:


Both good ideas.

Of course there’s always modulation of the Pan parameter, but this would be a nice simple workflow improvement.

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How do you access the pan parameter? I’m looking for how to pan the oscillators and not finding it.

There’s no pan parameter, as far as I know.

Yeah, sorry, I didn’t think of that.

It’s something you could do in other synths, like Pigments for example. I haven’t managed to dig into this synth enough to realise there was no pan parameter. Which makes the original suggestion even more useful!!

I hope I’m mistaken but I doubt this is possible. I assume the signal path up until the effects is mono. There is only one filter per voice which means even if it was possible to make the oscillator stage stereo, the audio would still have to be summed to mono when it is passed into the analog stage.

You make a fair point. Though at some stage it hs to output as stereo, especially as it connects to the DAW. So that’s where you could potentially place it

I had a thought on this. I know there’s ways to “split” the keyboard. But what if you could apply auto panning to different octaves like the keyboard split workaround? So, hitting the bass notes could pan to the left and the higher octave melody could pan right?

Didn’t know you could split. How?