Forum feedback šŸ“»

Share with us what you think about the forum!

Weā€™re happy to see you around .
:radio: Here we welcome all your feedback!

Feel free to leave a comment if you have ideas to make this a better place for all.


Congratsā€™ :wink:


Thanks @rcmusic! Glad to see you here! :zap:

I like it but it seems a shame you were unable to migrate the content of the legacy forum to here. There is so much knowledge in that place from established ā€˜fonts of knowledgeā€™ such as LBH, and mostly it will all be lost to history.


Welcome @Jon_Vincent !

The content of the legacy forum is a goldmine of information, so donā€™t worry it will always remain accessible!

Just check this article: How to find the legacy forum? :wink:

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Hi, The UI has become very user-friendly now, as it has the same atmosphere as the official website!


Welcome @yaegassy , glad to read that you like our new Sound Explorers Community forum! :rocket:

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MUCH more modern and snappier than the old site. :sunglasses: :sunglasses:


Always getting better @matjones :zap:
Letā€™s keep exploring!

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Oh i knowā€¦ :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Lets see how the new forum plays out - too soon to tell, but in one way a welcome ā€˜upgradeā€™.
Arturial rules and managing a forum is never easy :wink:

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Hola @HarlequinX weā€™re glad to see you here! :zap:

We hope this brand-new interface will help everyone to find the information easily and keep the collective knowledge accessible.

Letā€™s keep exploring :control_knobs:

Can you make logins more persistent? If thereā€™s a way to configure it to be more relaxed generally or as a user preference thatā€™d be great. Iā€™d prefer to stay logged in on multiple devices for several days at least.

Otherwise the new forum looks great and I like that youā€™re using the Discourse platform.

I was thinking, is there any chance the forum will implement those tasty 1990s-2000s forum emoticons? I am talking about these dudes:


Is there a list of the allowed attachment file types in this forum?

I noticed in ā€œAbout the Your sound categoryā€ it says ā€œwe only allow posting formats from our software and hardware instrumentsā€. I just tried uploading a mbpz file (MatrixBrute patch) and I couldnā€™t select it. Is it an intentional omission or an oversight?