Loading times problem

First of all, thank you all for the advice you gave me, I really appreciate it.
What I don’t understand, however, and which I have already read on other forums, is why regardless of the performance of the PC the loading times remain so slow when romplers with many more presets do not present the same problems. It would be enough to have confirmation from Arturia that the program is done just like this in order to put your soul at peace.
Also because I don’t want to update my PC if I don’t solve the problem, given that all VSTs run ultra-fast, less so than analog lab.

You are welcome @Dragoda . But i’m also in deep water here.

I can’t tell you that the amount of presets matters. I’m just trying to troubleshoot possibilities. A preset browser use a database file, and that can be bigger or smaller. I don’t know how much of that file is loaded from first load.

Also load times seems to be different between your PC and mine test, even if it look like the load time should be the same.The question is why?

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I don’t, my load times are probably half OP’s, but that’s probably proportional to the power of my computer.

What I don’t understand, however, and which I have already read on other forums, is why regardless of the performance of the PC the loading times remain so slow when romplers with many more presets do not present the same problems.

One crucial difference is Arturia’s VSTs aren’t mainly romplers. They live-generate everything via ‘on the fly’ emulation, which is CPU heavy. How, if, or why that could be important with respect to loading times, I couldn’t say. But it might be.

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Okay. Then i misunderstood.

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To understand the loading times I’ll post mine, for a comparison I invite you to do the same.

  • the first start of ALV takes exactly 25 seconds, after which every other instance takes exactly 11 seconds.
    -the individual instruments (dx7, sq80 etc etc) take approximately 3 to 8 seconds.


  • the first start of ALV takes exactly 12seconds, after which every other instance takes exactly 5 seconds.
    -the individual instruments (dx7, sq80 etc etc) take approximately 2-4 seconds.
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you could post the hardware specifications of your PC to get a more precise idea of ​​how to carry out a possible upgrade.

I tried to load 4 instances again today on the laptop i mentioned. Not one of them loaded in more than 12 seconds. The first was just below 12 seconds.

It look like you have around the same load times as i do on a laptop with a similar CPU performance.

BTW: There a specs recommended on the product pages.

I can suggest you get the best CPU singlecore performance the multicore CPU as possible for processes that can’t run in parallel.

I think I will opt for a Ryzen 5 5500 which meets the requirements in max turbo frequency of 4 GHz, it should give me 20% more performance. I will post the results later.

I think it’s best you read like the requirements is for the latest CPU’s on the market. Also keep in mind that the requirements is for a single instance.
I’m not sure you will feel that much gain, with the 5500 CPU. You can try to compare it with the latest CPU’s

I personally prefere Intel if on a PC for music production. But some are happy using AMD.

unfortunately the 5000 series is the last one that I can mount on my motherboard and spend more than €100, considering that in 2 years I will change PC, it is not worth it to me. However, a 22% increase in performance on each instance is not a small thing, it would be enough for me to go lower under 10 seconds to feel happy with a 7 year old computer XD. Thank you again for the precious advice you give me.

Just in case. You might get a 20% better load performance yes. But if you get that in performance depend on many things. All ongoing processes use the same CPU.

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In the end I managed to overclock the RAM and CPU. I reached 3.80 GHz per core without touching 70° while the RAM was at 2933 MHz. By doing so I managed to start AnalogLab Pro in the first boot in 17/20 seconds and the subsequent instances in 8/10 seconds, not a miracle but definitely better. As you advised, I don’t think it’s worth doing an upgrade of the CPU alone now. In the future I will valuate Intel. Thank you all for the advice and inspiration XD now I have the soul at peace :)…

Here I got the same problem of ever increasing loading times. Then I deleted the file “db.db3” from "%ProgramData%\Arturia\Presets", a procedure which solved problems in the past, and it still does so today.
After an initial few seconds loading of Analog Lab standalone, it started scanning and rebuilding all the preset database, which took quite a coffee break.
Now loading times decreased from about 25 seconds to about seven, the VSTi loading even faster.

Are the presets actually contained in this file, or is it just a central registry of presets built from other files? If I have my own presets do I need to be backing up this file somewhere?
It’s interesting this fix has been cited twice here recently:

No the presets are not in the database file. The presets are separate files.

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Same with me, I would love to use Analog Lab more but the loadtime is kills the buzz

I renamed the “db.db3” file to domething like “db.db3_back[datetime].bak”. it is then still there as a backup but invisible to the AL and others.
I haven’t found any downsides yet. The newly recreated db.db3 is about half the size of the old one. Presets and favourites are still there. I am not using Playlists any more, so I can’t tell if these get lost.
For some reason, the db.db3 grows over time even if no presets are created or saved, don’t know why., so I’m deleting it frequently, which is quite annoying.

Angelina, I tried to do as you wrote but nothing seems to have changed :frowning:

Hmm. Sad to read you still have problems, but I sometimes see long loading times as well. Analog Lab uses just some very little percentage of CPU time and some 1 to 4 MB/sec during loading.
Arturia Software Center Agent seems to prevent loading for some time, because it get quite busy for some seconds, before Analog Lab starts to consume measurable CPU time or disk I/O.
Maybe there is the issue, at Arturia Software Center, but that is more of a guess than a hint.