Liked sounds transfer

I just bought a new computer and I’d like to transfer my Favourites (liked) sounds (Analog lab) from my old computer.
Where can I find the corresponding file ?

Thank you

Hey @juhill it’s nice to see you here!

Thanks to the Arturia Software Center (ASC), you can install and run your license on up to 5 different computers simultaneously and have access to your favorite sounds.

  • You can recover an activation from one of your computers to use it on another one at any time, using the “Deactivate All” function available in the “Arturia Software Center” → “Preferences” → “Licenses” menu:

  • Alternately, you can do so via your account on our website through the “My Products” menu by clicking on the “See More” button in front of your product :

Please find all the information in our FAQ article:

What is the Arturia Software Center(ASC)?

Let’s keep exploring :zap:

Thank you for your answer, but … are you sure I have to deactivate all my products to transfer my ‘liked sounds’ …? I can’t see the link.
I tried anyway, but it didn’t work at all.

Hey @juhill normally your Liked sounds are linked to your account, so once you install AL in your new machine it should synchronise with your account when you open AL.

Otherwise I strongly suggest you to log in to your account to contact our support team and tell them you already installed from the ASC and you’ll like to recover your liked sounds, I believe it should be a folder with them but the support team will help you to fix this situation better than me.

Hope you got a solution soon!

Best :zap:

Hi all.

It look like you think about hardware presets. I dont really know how that work.

Software presets are not located on the Arturia account.
Software presets and preset informations are stored on the local computer on the ressource path set in ASC’s Preferences.

Liked and Tags informations are stored in different ways.
User presets have Liked informations stored within the presets.
Factory presets and Arturia Soundpack presets have Liked informations stored in the FactoryEdit folder.
Tags informations for all presets are stored in the Shared/ Tags folder.

A back-up/ copy of the main preset folder to a new computer will keep all presets including likings and taggings.
You should allways back-up your preset folder.


Thank you LBH, I tried to copy some folders related to AnalogLab V but couldn’t get my Liked sounds back… I contacted Arturia support, I’ll let you know

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Have a look at this thread


On macOS I have moved the complete setup and everything installed by copying

  • /Applications/Arturia*
  • /Library/Arturia
  • /Library/ArturiaSC
  • The Components, VSTs, and VST3s for Arturia instruments in /Library/Audio
  • com.native-instruments-Arturia* preferences in /Library/Preferences* com.Arturia.* plists in /Library LaunchAgents and /Library LaunchDaemons
  • com.Artuira perferences in $HOME/Library/Preferences

After copying and setting the right ownership I fired up the Software Center and reactivated and all was fine. This is helpful, when you are on a slow network. I have a lot of instruments and patches…

As was mentioned, if you are running out of license slots you need to deactivate any unused machines. I do that proactively.



Hi, thank you matjones and Haralds.
At last I found the solution. So the easiest way to transfer favourites presets : just copy the presets folder from old to new computer, and erase the db.db3. The instruments will automatically rescan the folder which contains factory and user presets.


Hi @juhill and many thanks for updating us with your situation.
That’s great news that you’re back to where you want to be with your setup now :grin:

I’l mark @HaraldS post as the solution as it’s so detailed.

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