How to replace Analog Lab V 8 with 9?

Hi all, sorry if this has been asked (I did do a search):

a.) I purchased AL-V version 8 (30 products) a few years ago and created many LPX projects with it.

b.) I upgraded to AL-V version 9 (33 products) when it came out but haven’t installed it yet (screen grab below) because I would like to do so efficiently. 3 questions:

  1. Do I need any of the products in v8 now that I own v9? If not, how can I safely disable (delete?) them without impacting existing LPX projects?

  2. If it is possible to disable or delete v8: Before doing so do I need to note the instruments and settings used in existing LPX projects so I can add new instances of their equivalent v9 instrument(s) later?

  3. If #1 and #2 above are not possible or not advisable: Should I open each LPX project (I have more than 250) and add the equivalent v9 instrument so the older v8 instrument can ultimately be removed?

Many thanks,
2021 MBPro M1 Max | 32GB RAM | 2GB flash storage | macOS Sonoma | Logic Pro v10.8

Hi @bigcharles
Glad to see you’ve made it to the new forum!

You should be fine to just install ALV9. Iirc it will replace ALV8 and won’t affect anything else.


Thanks Mat! Great to see Arturia made it painless. I have a full backup of my Mac’s drive just in case, so I should be good to go.

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No worries!
Yep it’s entirely painless for the vast majority these days. :sunglasses:

Okay, so — as you can see by the attached screen grab, v9 is now fully installed. I hit Synchronize just to be sure / to update the ASC display. But:

  1. How do I know LPX won’t try to load both every time, with each project? [when v8 was first released, there were major issues with super-slow loading weirdness in LPX]

  2. If there’s nothing in 8 that I (or my projects) will miss when opened, and that isn’t covered/replaced by v9, can I — should I — Uninstall v8?



From my own perspective, I like to keep things tidy, so I make sure I’ve finished anything that might have an old version of a V Col instrument first, once I’m sure I don’t need it I uninstall it.
There’s nothing to stop you from having both versions on your system if you wish.
If you want to make sure you’re not going to ‘lose’ anything, I’d keep them both.


It does help, though I’m still not totally clear… :slight_smile:

I like to keep things tidy too. But I have several year’s worth of projects that are just ideas, sketches, and pieces awaiting further development. I won’t be finishing and archiving anything soon. So:

  1. Do I understand correctly that given the current state of my installs, LPX will load both v8 and v9 each time (something I’d like to avoid)?

  2. Assuming I will ultimately Uninstall 8 — but I want to keep instruments, settings, and presets as close as possible to their original sound — maybe go through important projects and manually check, review, and replace (if nec.) instruments with their v9 equivalent and listen to how they match up?

Many thanks Mat. I realize this went a little beyond ‘tech support’. :+1:

Hi @bigcharles

No this is not correct, you can have both installed at the same time, yes Logic will ‘see’ them both but will not load an instrument until YOU choose which one to load.

If you decide you no longer want AL8 installed then you can import legacy sounds by clicking on the ‘hamburger’ icon in the top left hand corner of ALV, look at the very bottom entry on the dropdown menu and you’ll notice you can ‘Include Legacy Sounds’. so that should add your old presets to the ALV9 library.

If you want to be ‘belt and braces’, then you can also back up anything manually by navigating to the Arturia resources folder and copying the the ‘Presets’ folder to a location of your choice. I know you’re on a Mac, but for anyone who may be lurking and wishes to do so, on Windows the path is C:\ProgramData\Arturia\Presets.

Ultimately though the decision is your own.

Personally, once i’m done with a project i’m done with it and like to move on so i limit what i do back up. I realise not everyone is the same though.

Hi @bigcharles ,

I can add this.

The applications that have the same names and version numbers in VC8 And VC9 will be the same applications. You will not have two installed - only one that’s used by both VCs.

The new applications in VC9 will only be installed when you install VC9 and not when installing VC8.

Some applications have been upgraded in VC9 to a new version that’s not compatible with the old. That is in example CS-80 V3 that has been upgraded to CS-80 V4. In this case you’ll have to look at them as two seperate instruments. The presets from the V3 version can’t be used in the V4 version and vice versa. So you shall not remove VC8 applications. Applications that’s in VC8 but not in VC9 will not be installed if you only install VC8.

However - At some point discontinuet products like CS-80 V3 perhaps will no longer work depending on changes in your computers OS and the DAW’s you use. That can be sooner or later. I have very old instruments running fine on new Windows OS.
But to be most future proof as possible, then you have to render tracks to audio.
Or you have to manually replace plugins in old projects the way it’s possible in your DAW. This can result in not all things is working or sound the same on the tracks. That depends.

FYI: There also is a legacy forum. I know i have answered questions like this severel times.

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Great info Mat; really useful to me. Many thanks!


LBH — thank you for this info. Useful details that help me move forward.


Explained very clearly.

You are welcome.