[Feature Request] Urgent Firmware Update Needed for Arturia Keystep Pro Keyboard

Here you go (scroll down to firmware):

And there was also a thread around here with an announcement, I believe.
Couldn’t find it anymore.

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Ah! An underwhelming update to sell the old hardware in a new looking package just in time for Christmas. Who’d have thought.

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It’s here:



At least a new ‘package’ that seems to be fully compatible with the original KSP and ‘black edition’, what really is just another ‘package’.

The Chroma doesn’t add many new features, but it seems a modification of the original hardware. With this new hardware in store it will regain some attention… hopefully.

Or is there something more under the hood besides the colored lights? Something that would make future updates not compatible with the original KeyStep Pro’s?

Well, I did not expect you to be impressed. :smile:
I only wanted to give notice to the people within this thread.

After all, I pretty much can relate to the dissappointment and frustration and I also was hoping for a little more depth in communication. :slight_smile:

May be this update fixes a big issue for someone.

Kind regards!

Huh…? What is it that doesn’t confirm to the CoC you’re referring to? And… kiddies? :man_shrugging:t3:

absolutely rude.

Edit: Redacted!

@tartpop @MaikR
That was for something else, please accept my apology!


Me, reading the thread and wondering, what I’ve done:

Just to clarify: I only was talking about his reaction. No deeper meaning behind that.

And to be fair: Probably this update still was a whole lot of work, if it does, what I believe, it does. Since they reworked some parts of the core-feature - one might say “key-” :wink:
(…already on my way to the door…)
Still a lot to do to gain back some trust and faith.

He called you a youngster.
Isn’t that a nice compliment? :wink:

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Oh my. I’m sorry. That wasn’t directed at you, but rather at Arturia. My apologies for the lack of clarity on my part.
I’m just SO frustrated with them, ya know? We waited so long for an update, with SO many requests … But this is just … Barely anything. Nice what they did, but that took them over a year? C’mon.

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