Direct monitoring an Ableton *Mix* using AFCC?

I run 32 channels of synths and drum machines into the 16Rig and ADAT inputs, and I typically record performances all at once, in long chunks or for an entire song. I have my latency for MIDI and Audio performance dialed in perfectly, but the best way I have found to get zero latency in Ableton, is by setting the monitor for each track to Off (leaving me unable to monitor myself at all). Obviously I could direct monitor through the AFCC mixer, but I was wondering if anyone has thought of or could figure out a way that I could send a track from Ableton, maybe a Return track, or the Cue Mix, into a digital USB input in to the AFCC, to monitor myself while recording. Then I could hear the mix as it is in Ableton, as I’m recording.

I still haven’t really figured out how the USB inputs work in the 16 Rig, for instance, there are 32 USB inputs, but how to they work? I usually only use USB 1-2 because thats my DAW Master out. If anyone can help figure out a way to direct monitor this way, it would be a game changer.


Not sure I understood the problem but here is a basic example of using additional USB Outputs in Live! (sorry screenshot in french)

In Live:

  • In the preferences I setup the HW Outputs and I add 3/4 (I’ve also added 5/6 but we don’t care)

  • I create a track
  • I set “Audio From” on “Master” “Post Mixer”.
  • I set “Audio To” on “3/4”*


  • I go into the matrix page and tick USB 3/4 to be outputted in my Phones

I am now monitoring my live output in my Phones and I still get Live! Master to be outputted on USB1/2 (which can also be routed to anything you’d like, probably your Speakers but as you can see on the matrix screenshot, mine is not routed at all because I don’t even have speakers).

Hope that helps :slight_smile:

Cheers !

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