Analog Lab V that came with V Collection 9 Incompatible with Pigments 6?

I just ran the free upgrade to Pigments 6 and created a new patch in the standalone version… and now, when I open my DAW, and try to open the patch, it says I need to upgrade Analog Lab V (PRO) in order to use the patch? I can’t just open Pigments because it never recorded well in Cakewalk. Every time you record a new track it copies over the notes from all the other tracks. So now I have to pay $199.00 to upgrade to the latest version of Analog Lab Pro??

Hi @JohnLouisKluck. Welcome to the community.

Pigments 6 have’nt been out a day yet. Analog Lab have not been updated yet. The next update of Analog Lab will probably support Pigments 6. That’s how it usually is. Usually it will not take long before Analog Lab is updated. I don’t know why the message specify PRO.

BTW: I don’t understand how an instrument can be responsible for how a DAW record. That sound strange to me.
Have you tried to find out what’s going on?

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I don’t know why I did not remember that from the last time, thanks so much. I tried to ask previously for help with the recording issues associated to Pigments and Cakewalk.

You are welcome.

I suggest you ask in a forum for your DAW about your recording issue.
I doubt it as to do with pigments. But you can try to ask Arturia support, if they know something about it. I can be wrong. I also can’t understand how your DAW can have this issue. Sound to me mostly about some routing. I can only guess.

Whatever the problem is with recording in Cakewalk, it’s definitely not due to Pigments itself. It sounds like your new track is probably set up to receive MIDI data from whatever other tracks you have playing while recording. Like LBH said, you’ll probably be more likely to get help with that on a Cakewalk forum.

Hi John, that’s because usually we release a new version of Analog Lab the same day as the Pigments update, but this time because of AstroLab compatibility with Analog Lab that needs to be secured, there will be a slight delay. Give it a week or two and you’ll have an update available for your Analog Lab :slight_smile:


Thank you for the information. We appreciate when Arturia makes update processes transparent for the users.

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Of course… I am truly sorry. Where has my patience gone? Thank you Lily!

Many thanks! :slight_smile:

Sounds great, thank you for your help!

So will the Exploration vol 3 work with Analog Lab Pro after that update, if so perhaps that should be added to the Vol 3 web entry.

yes the explorations will work with Analog Lab once the version is out, and web entry will be updated at the time too

I also have that issue and I already have the latest version of Analog Lab V Collection X (with Analog Lab Pro installed. Here’s the popup I’m getting (for future ref):

It’s rather annoying to get that popup every time we browse through Pigments presets, having to leave the controller and click OK with the mouse.

I hope we get that update soon and that releases get better synchronized in the future. I understand the excitement of releasing the upgrade to Pigments 6 but these kinds of issues bring down the level of excitement. Or was there a warning somewhere in some Release Notes (Known Issues section or other)?

I wonder if there a common practice to follow when new Software Instruments are released? For example, should I avoid updating Sound Banks? Should Designers hold off releasing updates to their Sound Banks until ALV gets upgraded? Seems like there’s a communication missing somewhere (as part of Release Notes or other).


It’s a known problem with basically all developers I know - everything is happening terribly slowly. Waiting for a fix takes months (I know some developers where it take years for fixing bugs, even confirmed ones). I don’t really understand it - why it takes so long. Is not that there is a need to write Pigments again, it’s just integration existing engine with Analog Lab. This wouldn’t be a problem if people lived to be 1,000 years old - then you could wait and not get impatient.

IMO it will be much better to release minor updates more frequent than waiting for “great, final, very precisely tested version”. There is no such thing. There will always be some bugs. And it’s better to fix small bugs than to create a months-long global fix plan.

Anyway - Pigments 6 is very nice. Good job.

It’s actually the other way round. Aglie and SAFe (Scaled Agile) delivery models used by more or less every business these days prioritises getting stuff out there that works at a basic level rather than taking months or years longer to deliver perfection. That’s why for example Pigments 6 has been released before it’s ready to be integrated into Analog Lab and AstroLab. All those tasks will be separate Epics on a Jira board (or similar).

It also explains why we so often see hardware and software released with ‘minor’ bugs and/or features not yet working. It’s all about getting an MVP (Minimum Viable Product) out there as quickly as possible to realise investment, then iterating with improvements via patches. A high-profile example of this would be the AI features promised on iPhone iOS 18 which were turned on two months after rollout (and parts of which have been disabled again waiting refinement).


This may be true, but I have also years experience with programmers and other computer related people and I must say - they are terribly slow. Fixing small bug can be made in one day and yet people need months for that. It’s also problem with prioritization - it may sounds good (more important things first, less important later), but in fact this is something that can destroy any good project. It’s as if the police operated by priorities. If someone robbed you, then by priorities, police would only start looking for the thief after they had caught ALL the murderers first.

Hi all,

Analog Lab V 5.11.0 is available. It is compatible with Pigments 6 and MiniFreak 3.


Update not showing in ASC for me. No updates available. Restarted ASC and done a resync but still no Analog Lab update.

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Hi @OldWiseMan. Welcome to the community.

Unfortunately this has happend. Hopefully it’s back soon.


Same problem here… Still waiting for a fix!

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