Virus Threat in Analog Lab

Hey Guys,
Just updated Analog Lab, and Win10 came up with a Threat quarantined warning.
This was detected: Trojan:Win32/Bearfoos.A!ml in file C:\ProgramData\Arturia\Analog Lab V\resources\samplegenerator.exe.

Hi @xpoes weā€™re glad to see you here!

Thanks for reporting this. Could you please confirm you downloaded it from our official site or the ASC?

If you did download it from a third party we canā€™t assure the security of it.

We strongly suggest you to upload your file on ā€œVirusTotalā€ website to scan it with the most used security applications:

If the problem continues please log in to your account to contact our technical support team that will help you to fix this situation.

Best :zap:

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Just to reiterate and expand on what Nats said, IF you downloaded it via ASC or from The Arturia site then there should be nothing to worry about, itā€™s likely to just be a ā€˜false positiveā€™. What i think many of us that make music with computers tend to forget is that we are in a very small minority of computer users when compared to the entire world. We often forget this, the anti-virus and anti-malware manufacturers cannot be aware of every single application in existence which is why sometimes a plugin will cause a false positive; Iā€™ve had quite a few over the years, mainly from my UAD software.
Of course though, itā€™s always a good idea to double check, just to make sure :grinning:

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Iā€™ve downloaded it via the ASC. And I donā€™t expect it to be anything else but a false positive.
Just thought I should mention it, in case other people experience this as wellā€¦

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I see that this post was back in August but I just had this happen to me as well but in a different file. It detected Trojan:Win32/Bearfoos.A!ml in C:\Program Files (x86)\Arturia\Arturia Software Center\updater.exe after installing the latest ASC version ( today. Anyone else come across this latest iteration?

HI @Curly and welcome to The Sound Explorers Forum.

IN all likelihood itā€™s another false positive, i updated ASC yesterday and scan my machine every day, nothing untoward was picked up yesterday or today.

Always worth letting people know though of course.

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Hello !

Windows defender is so great, than it sometimes detect a virus in itā€™s own files.

I submitted our executable to Microsoft some month ago because of a threat like this one, and the Microsoft guy answered that there is not issue with our binaries.

Sorry for this, but I think we can say that this is Windows Defender to blame on this one.