Video on Music Synthesis History

Hi all,
Just made a video and a YT playlist on Music Synthesis History, which uses a lot of the V collection plugins for demo purpose (also extensively using Pigments, so I"l make another post in the Pigments section :wink: )
Here is the link for those interested.


HI @drmad and many thanks for your contribution to the community!
Currently rather busy myself, but have added to my ‘watch later’ list. :sunglasses:

I’ve added today a few more short videos to explain the sounds I used in the demo at the end of my History of Music Synthesis video.

and thank you for this little historical journey as a reminder of all the years where synths have brought joy to our musical listening.
A tear for this DX7 which I unfortunately had to part with for finance.
I also subscribed to your YouTube channel.
Musical friendship.

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Thanks for a most informative and educational series of videos on the History of Music Synthesizers, and Music Synthesis Techniques.

This really gives perpective on the relationship between the instruments of the V Collection and the development of Pigments. I think Arturia should post this on their website or perhaps their You Tube channel

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