Upload not working on Keystep Pro

Running Midi Control Center []from December 2024, Keystep Pro Firmware 2.5.20 and Windows 11.

I want to create a new drum map to match my Roland TR-8S.
I use the Midi Control Center to create a custom drum map and assign note 1 to note 24 to my required values. All values are unique, e.g. 36-59.

I then use “store to” to upload my map to my project 1 on the Keystep Pro.

The upload proceeds fine from 1-100% but verifying on my Keystep Pro, the values don’t show in the utility menu (utility, drum, config, custom, custom note X).

I also tried to drag and drop my “user project” to the “device project 1” (and 2). The changes are not showing.

Navigating the project browser clicking on the my projects will not change the values on the screen. Eg. I am on my project1 I change a midi channel, switch to my project2, the screen shows unchanged. I also cannot “save” a template, the save button is always greyed out.

Even when I “recall from device”, the newly created project will simply not contain the data from the device but static data.

What am I doing wrong?