It’s been months since the first and unique update rolled out on Astrolab, but it seems that nothing moves in the update and fix departement. No replies here, no rumors, as i can see…
Ok, Arturia spent great efforts on marketing side, every known youtuber had an AL, everyone is happy… except the real customers, i think:
imho a stage keboard that has hangs on notes, sound clicking, freezes, absurd volume and sound change issues, just to mention the major issues, cannot be seen as real working instrument, it reminds me of a good demo product.
Really, have you tried to play something with a sustain pedal?! or some track with sound change? for REAL?
The feeling of “slippyness” is too big, even a 399€ Go Keys performs better! COME ON!
another “would be” product is disappointing (who did own an Origin like i did?)
Maybe Arturia should open their beta testing and let the community of real players partecipate, if a new firmware is on the run (?), keep the audience warm telling them what are they working on, communicate.
We are sick tired of announcement war where companies shout “my new keyboard has bigger keys than yours”: musical instruments are not the last smartphone, suv or eyewear making trend…or they should not be.
Please, listen to us, we are not asking a blender or fridge plugin option, we are asking to have something really playable, we had faith in your company when we bought your product.