Sequence starts with a pop

Try this, please:
From the Hamburger menu, top left, click on New Preset. Now turn on the Seq-tab. Play any note, the sequence will start with a pop.
Is it possible to get rid of that pop?
It happens in both stand-alone mode and when Pigments is used in a DAW.

Cheers, Xpoes


Hi @xpoes ,

Unfortunately there is a bug on the first note. It’s unfortunately also in other applications since latest update.

I hope Arturia already is on it. But you can contact Arturia support, to get it confirmed.

FYI: It’s possible to download and install the previous version. It does’nt have the latest changes.

I’ve contacted support. Thanks for the reply :slightly_smiling_face:


Yes, exactly the same behavior here with latest Pigments

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yes. same behavior over here. “sort-of-a-workaround-ish”; change your gate setting to ADR, instead of ADSR. Kinda useful, i feel

did they reply with an (hopefully fast) upcoming fix?

no, I’m still on the previous version

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it seems that there is an update which should fix the sequencer issue.

Yeah. Fixed in Pigments version

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yep :+1: hurray

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