Renaming a Microfreak preset in Control Center causes crash (Mac OS)

When attempting to change the name of presets stored on the Microfreak the control centre app will crash upon entering the first character.

Full crash report here:

Quick update, the same crash occurs when attempting to edit local preset names too.

Bit of a pain really as I tend name my presets on the device something like “f343jdrfe” and then edit them later!


sorry to read about this problem.

We’re experiencing difficulties with MIDI Control Center on Mac M1 computers that cause the MCC to crash when opened in native mode and text is entered.

Opening the MCC in Rosetta mode should solve the problem.
This will have no impact on sound performance.

We are working on a fix for M1 users.

If the problem persists, please do not hesitate to contact our support team directly.

All the best,


Thanks Niks, opening in rosetta fixes the problem.


Now 3 years passed by since @modularsamples posted this issue.
Nothing happened since then, I have exactly the same problem on my M1 in August 2023.
I use the latest version of MIDI Control Centre (rel. 18th August 2023)

Rosetta mode was meant as a workaround for software developers when the new Apple chips came out. It should not work as an everlasting solution as far as I know.
So it would be great, if you fine guys at Arturia could fix this problem.
Thank you very much.

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The same happens renaming Matrix Brute exported patches. Mac M1 Max