Re-installing V Collection 9 pain

I’ve recently updated to a macbook air M1. I realised that the V collection synths were undergoing an update for apple silicon but I was prompted to update the whole collection. I use an external SSD hard drive which has been working fine for me. My issue is that it is an extremely long process to what appears to be a re-install of the entire collection one by one. Each time I have to click to approve the install / location / allow the use of the hard drive etc. Approx 9 odd mouse clicks. Given everything was previously installed is there a way for future reference I can just update the whole collection with just one permission. I used the reinstall all button and all the synths show as installing, but without going through the above painfull process for each synth they won’t install. I basically want to click approve and leave it to do it’s thing.

Hi @starsky101 . Welcome to the community.

If you enable Silent Install in Arturia Software Center preferences under the Advanced tab, then all should be updated without having to confirm every application. Do you have Silent Install enabled?


I’ve clicked it on now, many thanks hopefully it will install the rest of the synths, it’s only taken all day !