The latest Prophet 5 V does not include the Prophet VS. Before the V 9 collection was released, the Prophet 5 came with the Prophet VS as well, now they are split into two different plugins, each costing $200.
I’m considering purchasing the older plugin version to get the two synths but I’m wondering- is there a notable sonic difference between the new and old versions of the Prophet 5? I understand that there’s an expanded effects section, but the actual sound quality emulation- is it the same?
Hey @zfw welcome to our Sound Explorers community!
Thanks for your interest in our software instruments.
Remember that you can try a free demo version of all our Software Instruments and Effects!
So I invite you to try both Prophet VS-V and Prophet-5 V to be sure of the quality expected.
Also FYI summer sales are coming soon! so I strongly suggest you to subscribe to our Newsletter to be the first to know about them.
Hey @zfw,
You can check all the info about your upgrades by login in to you MyArturia account.
For the Demo+VS I’m not sure what could be the reason that you got both in one but as you can see on our website the official products comes separately.
All the applications including Prophet-5 V, Prophet VS and Prophet V3 can be downloaded from this website page i also added a link for in your other thread:
Hi there, thanks for the tip. i just purchased the Prophet 5 V.
Question- I have a hardware Prophet 6 from sequential circuits. Is there a way to save a patch and convert it into a file that your software can recreate?