Modification on the original sound banks

Good morning,
I would like to know if it is possible for me to modify the sounds of banks that I have acquired without risking offending those who designed them.
Although I am limited to a few parameters in certain cases I will distort the origin of the sound, should I keep the original name, place modification in this case, or request authorization (by what means).
I each time place the name of the preset and its author used on my compositions out of courtesy and respect.
Thank you in advance for your answers .

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For my own personal use in music I do, I often tweaK presets made by others. I would never think of distributing these as my own. To keep my modified presets separate from the originals, I will append them with my initials or my nickname. Sometimes I even add a comment with the date I tweaked them or list customized uses, such as “tweaked to use mod wheel for timbral shifts” (i.e, for real time performance). I do that more as a reminder for myself.

If I wanted to give credit to sound designers for their inspiration, I suppose I could mention them by name. I’ve never seen artists list every preset used in a composition, who designed each preset, and whether or not they were tweaked for the composition in any way.

I have always thought that presets supplied by gear manufacturers and those of independent sound designers who sell banks exist so people can use them in their own music.

I am interested to see how others use pre-made presets.


Hello Steve and thank you for your response.
Of course, far be it from me to use a preset, modify it and then offer it hoping to make money on it.
If I deposit the name and the author it is also a way of thanking him, information for those who would like to know the origin of the preset and like you a way of reminding me.
For the moment my finances do not allow me to invest in Pigments hoping to benefit from a more attractive amount like this last discount.
For the moment the investment in sound banks remains within my budget, but I’m not desperate to create my own sound library, I really like the randomness of the settings on Pigments in demo.
Thank you for taking the time for your intervention.
Musical friendship.

" Google translation"

Bonjour Pascal,

I think it’s a question for Arturia. I modify presets all the time but for my own use.

You didn’t mention a guitar in your possession :slightly_smiling_face:
Maybe you did.
Google Doc (and Trad) are great tools.

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Hey @PascalH_59 @Steve and @francoise

As far as using presets, modified or otherwise, in your own audio productions; you are entirely free to do whatever you want in exactly the same way you would with a hardware synth such as a DX7, Triton, Minifreak etc. Whether you want to credit the preset author/s is entirely up to you, it’s unusual but a very nice thing to do on your part.
When you purchase a licence for any of the Arturia synths or other plugins, you have purchased a licence that allows you to do so.
As far as tweaking presets and then selling them on as your own creations goes, that’s a no, that would be in breach of copyright, not only illegal, but rather scummy too.

If you REALLY want to dig deeper, then just read any of the EULAs (good luck and rather you than me :joy:) that come with your software.


Now go and create!! :grin:

Go and tweak, modify, mangle and distort as much as you like

As a caveat: ANY presets that you create FROM SCRATCH, not edits of existing Arturia or third party presets, are YOURS and you would own the copyright with all the potential benefits.


Bonjour Françoise,
I did this in my presentation. It’s not a high-quality guitar but it suits me for what I have to make, a second-hand Cort Startlite which has lived well, half an hour to clean the neck, a Peavy 60 Watt amp, zoom g7ut1. If you would like to MP me because I do not want to impose the reading of my modest material on this subject. Thank you and have a good day.

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Hello Matjones,
thank you for these clarifications, my goal is just to give more reverb, echo and modulate a few elements at a time to find the sound that suits me, to explore the random, blindly, by feeling .
Not for a commercial side, my modest retirement is enough for me.
Musical Friendship.


I didn’t miss the Peavy amp in your presentation.

What is important is not so much the equipment but what you do with it.

The best Canadian jazz guitarist Ed Bickert stunned jazz guitarists by playing on a Fender Telecaster when Gibson was considered mandatory (obligatoire).
The great jazz saxophonist Charlie Parker played on cheap saxes when he pawned (prĂȘteur sur gage) his Selmer to buy drug. He was still great

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What about the wav engine? Do you have to produce your own wav samples? :thinking:

I’m sorry Mat, my uncle was an major Quebec lawyer of Irish descent (Lavery) in Quebec, :four_leaf_clover:

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Hi @francoise
I’m not totally sure I understand your question.

Do you mean extract a sample from an existing commercially available preset, as included, or to replace an existing sample with one of your own, thus using the other elements of the preset such as envelopes, modulation sources/destinations etc?

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Sorry for the confusion. I never played or made music for money. So I don’t know about these legal matters. I meant using the available wav samples included in Pigments in any library preset. That’s it.

My general cogitation:
The general case is interesting but probably too involved. I presume using an existing commercially available sample depends on the firm’s conditions of sale. If I understand well, if samples are not royalty free they can be negotiated (or not). I presume producers negotiate royalties when they buy sample sets otherwise it is useless.

I sampled a jazz walking bass riff with Amplesound Upright Bass and loaded it in the Microfreak sample engine. Can I offer (or sell) the resulting preset?

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Hey, no worries! I cannot run a four minute mile, we can’t all do everything :wink:
You would have to check the specifics of The Arturia EULA for pulling factory content samples out of Pigments to use in a different context, perhaps someone higher up the foodchain at Arturia could enlighten us?

Your presumption regarding commercially available sample sets is correct in that it [quote=“francoise, post:11, topic:1712”]
depends on the firm’s conditions of sale

As you allude to in your next point, ‘samples that are not royalty free’, by that very statement explicitly states that they are NOT royalty free, therefore some kind of remuneration is required to use those samples, whether it be an upfront fee or negotiated ‘royalty points’.
There are MANY legal cases around the latter and MANY people have found themselves on the wrong side of the law here. ‘Beats International’ ended up massively out of pocket as they didn’t clear several samples before releasing ‘Dub be good to me’ back in the late 80’s. I believe De La Souls’ ‘three feet high and rising’ hasn’t been available commercially, discounting second hand and pirate copies, or on streaming platforms for some time due to the huge amount of samples used that weren’t ‘cleared’ initially.

Generally when you ‘purchase’ sample packs there is a licence that you can use them for commercial purposes, you’d have to check for specifics though regarding repackaging in synth presets.

For your final question, you would really have to comb through the EULA for your Amplesound instrument, although you could easily argue that as you have created a melodic part which is not part of the original sound if you follow me? But that’s just my own personal opinion so don’t quote me lol.

There have been one or two cases fairly recently of certain ‘creators’ in the EDM field, purchasing sample sets and copying the original demo track that often comes with sample packs, but making one or two minor changes to then claim it as their own original composition. I’m not naming any names here, just use a search engine as they’re easy enough to find.


You can’t run a four minute mile! :hushed:
Disappointed! “Déçue, profondĂ©ment déçue” goes a famous french movie quote.

Bottom line: to make sure you’re leggit, use your own samples and build presets from scratch (Default).
If ever I freely redistribute my (useful, I think) Microfreak preset, I’ll see with Amplesound. They have a riffter generating random phrases. I doubt this would be contentious.

Thank you for taking the time. It is a complex matter. Hope it will be useful to someone.


You paid for them, so you own them and can do with them as you please, other than reselling them.