Minibrute free sound banks

Can the free sound banks for the Minibrute such as Oddiction be used with the V version?


Hi @HobGoblyn ,

This specific Sound Bank “Oddiction” is only compatible with MicroFreak unfortunately.

I have checked but it seems there aren’t any sound banks for the MiniBrute V available in the Store yet but you can check some of the presets created by the community.

@Funtmaster has made some very cool patches in this other thread


Doh, I’m being an idiot, was late when I posted, I saw it was for MicroFreak and my brain saw it as MiniFreak.

I will check out @Funtmaster as I also own the MiniBrute V

One free sound bank doesn’t have icons showing what it’s for and also doesn’t tell me in the description (although, judging on how all the others without icons also appear to be worded in a similar way, and are for the Polybtute, I suspect I can guess the answer)

Stellar Infinity

Many thanks

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@HobGoblyn No problem !

This one was released with the MiniFreak Stellar and it’s also compatible with MiniFreak V.

I found a very nice demo video of this Sound Bank on VIRAL BEATS YouTube channel:

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Thanks, some nice sounds in there, while it says it’s free, unless I’m doing something wrong (wouldn’t be the first time) the website says it’s current on sale at $25 instead of the usual $50.

On the above YouTube page, the only link I can see to the download is

Of course I don’t expect people to work for nothing, I’ve already bought a few sounds in the current Arturia sale and have bought a fair few from them before.

But for me, while the sounds are interesting, if it was say a sound bank in the Arturia sale, regardless of price, I wouldn’t buy. Nothing screams at me that I must get, nothing that I will really make use of, they are still good, just not for me.

More often than not I like to make a patch my own, using a patch I’ve bought and tweaking it for my own use, sometimes tweaking just a little, maybe just tweaking the effects, other times my end result sounds nothing like the original patch.

Very occasionally I find a patch that I like as is, it’s usually when I’m trying to do a cover of a song and someone else has created a patch where say the base line is (to my ears) 100% a perfect match. But I do like to make most patches my own.

In the 80s I bought a few patches for my D50, D70 and SQ80 when they were new (got D50 and SQ80 on their release) the D50 & D70 were on a card you slotted in, the SQ80 had a floppy disk and a cartridge slot.

No internet in those days, hence if I wanted new sounds, I either bought them or created my own.

It was very very impracticable to create sounds on the D50 / D70 without spending loads on the separate programmer, I did buy a D50 editor for my Atari ST but even that killed any inspiration I had, move something on the Atari and wait 10 secs for the D50 to also do it.

Hence I bought a few sound cards for them and while it was around 35 years ago, I don’t think any of those cards were very cheap, in my mind I’m thinking they were around the £50 ($62) mark, even if I’ve got that completely wrong and they were only £20 ($25), $25 in 1988 is around $63 today, and I was usually buying those sound cards completely unheard which was often a gamble.

The SQ80 was more fun creating sounds on, i did buy one cartridge that was a 4 in 1 cartridge with a switch on it to select the bank I wanted, to this day I wish I still had that cartridge, there were loads of sounds and sound effects that for some reason I just loved.

Anyway my point is, had I been offered this viral beats sound bank for £25 thirty five years ago, not only would I have bought it in a second, I would have been very happy with the sounds it contains. Today though I am spoilt for choice, both paid and free and there simply aren’t enough hours in a day to listen to them all.

@HobGoblyn Sorry about the potential confusion with the previous link

The previous YT video was only meant for demo of the Stellar Infinity bank but not actually for the included links in the description.

This specific sound bank for MiniFreak is still free as it was included with the MiniFreak Stellar release/update.

Here’s the correct link in case you’d like to add it to your account:

I also most of the times stand in the middle between either making them from scratch and using the preset 100% without modification (almost never one or the other) but have purchased some presets in cases where the sound it’s almost too good “as is” to be bothered with hours trying to recreate a similar one.

Either way, fortunately there are a lot of Free sound banks such as the one above available and even more can be shared in community forums such as this Sound Explorers community.

Happy days !

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