Matrix-12 v2, "GUI error" caused by Alleged Missing PNG asset


This error message is for the Matrix-12 v2 (as part of the V collection) Plugin opened Inside of FL Studio 21

Context: the DAW and V Collection are both the latest version
Operation system is Windows 10
EVERY OTHER Plugin in the collection works PERFECTLY, it’s just this 1 having a issue

Regarding the error message

  1. what does this even mean, in specifics?
  2. How do i resolve this?
  3. If i interpret this correctly, this error is derived from 1 singular “missing” PNG asset?
  4. If so, how do reinstate the missing PNG asset? Can i isolate and download the specific PNG? Or do i need to do the following > uninstall Matrix-12 > delete remnant files > Re-install ?
  5. If so, can i uninstall/reinstall the Matrix-12 v2 EXCLUSIVELY, instead of having to re-install every other plugin in the V Collection???
  6. Could somebody walk me through the steps

Thankful and immensely appreciative of anyone’s effort, tips and time! Thank you


Do you have your ‘Arturia’ content folder on a separate drive to your system drive?
I had a similar error months ago, i have my content folder on a separate, internal SSD, so i ‘tricked’ ASC into resolving the issue.

I logged into ASC, opened ‘preferences’,
navigated to the ‘Folders’ tab,
Browsed to the shortcut that ASC creates in place of ‘C:\ProgramData\Arturia’, then navigated back to my actual installation location, selected it, closed ASC and all was as it should be.


thank you for taking the time out to do this! appreciate it

Did you have a similar error? or the EXACT same error? Because i’ve gotten a variety of different GUI errors, but i only want to solve the SPECIFIC issue in the error message (1x missing PNG asset)

No, none of my Arturia stuff is on a separate drive than my system drive
everything is in the same “C:/Program files” folder on my computer

If i’m understanding your reply correctly, then your fix would impact a whole folder with all the plugins etc, For a lack of a better explanation, it’s a more “broader fix”, yes?
For this issue i am only interested in specifically targeting “Matrix-12 v2” and its missing PNG asset, because ALL THE OTHER Plug-Ins work PERFECTLY and pre-emptively i wish to avoid “tampering” with other plugins


To be honest it was some months ago and i can’t remember the exact file i’m afraid, so yes, you could say it’s more of a ‘broad strokes fix’. It did work in my own case though.
Of course, if you’re wanting to home in on the exact file/fix it would be best to raise a ticket with Support or wait and see if anyone else might have the exact answer.
You’ll likely have to wait a few days as it’s still the weekend.

Yo MatJones! Appreciate the clarification!
moving forward i’m gonna try uninstall and delete the matrix-12 v2 and any of its related files,
and then >>>> download and install the Matrix-12 V2 as a stand-alone and isolated and not download it through part of the Collection V Pack<<<< and see if that helps

If it works i’ll update this thread later

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OK great stuff!
It could potentially be useful for others in the future so that’s appreciated!

my previous thing got deleted, Repost Below this line

think the previous “missing png assset” issue mentioned earlier is solved/non-existant but now i’m back at square one with this “vst path” matching resources version

its too much specific nuanced technical jargon

Can someone in here provide me with a visual resource for how this is supposed to look?

I have the files downloaded

literally every other plugin in the V Collection is working just fine with ZERO problems whatsoever, what is it with Matrix-12 v2 that’s not working?

All the other Collection V Plugins that WORK are in C:>Common Files>VST3>Arturia
This is also the exact same “path” / “destination” as Matrix-12

so what gives?

Someone get at me with a answer that specifically targets and resolves this issue in specifics

Instrument version does not match its resources vesrsion (Another number)

(basically just read the whole GUI error message)

what i don’t get is

that message states to “make sure a path matches the plugin folder” TOO MUCH TECHNICAL ARBITRARY NON-SPECIFIC JARGON"

Yet if you refer to the first picture, “Mellotron, Jup v4, Jun” etc all share the same “folder” as the matrix
yet the matrix-12 is the only one out of these that don’t work?

“To resolve this issue” the message doesn’t even in specific terms outline how to actually fix this issue


seperate question

Does Arturia (on weekdays)

have a CHAT For customer support or Real-Time communication channel?


The latest version of Matrix 12 V2 is version
Your error message don’t mention that version but mention the VST version you have and it’s resource version does’nt match.
To me it look like you very likely somehow have multiple versions installed.
You can’t do with a normal uninstall alone. Beside a uninstall you have to search the Common Files/ VST3 folder and the VST folder on the path set in ASC. The same VST2 path should be the path your DAW is set to read for VST2’s (FL Studio Installing Plugins). It should be the same path all your other Arturia VST2’s is installed on. Also do a search to find potentiel other Matrix 12 V2 versions on your system.
When you are sure all is removed, then install the newest version
Hopefully this work. Otherwise it make no sense.

For your information. The VST3 path is fixed on Windows, and you should not change it manually, unless you know what you do and how to handle it when doing updates.
Your DAW should also be set to read the VST3 folder.
In generel keep order. That include you in generel check that you install everything you install on the correct paths.

I hope this helps. Not sure Arturia support can help you more than this, but it’s allways possible to ask them. They perhaps need to control your computer to check if so.

yoo yoyo

“Your error message don’t mention that version but mention the VST version you have and it’s resource version does’nt match.” yes i notice, there’s 2 different “instrument versions”

the thing is tho, i LITERALLY only have 1 version downloaded currently,

“To me it look like you very likely somehow have multiple versions installed.”
i understand, but i have manually uninstalled EVERY SINGLE version of the Matrix-12 and ensured i only have 1 version (The latest version) downloaded

i do NOT have multiple versions installed right now

“you have to search the Common Files/ VST3 folder and the VST folder on the path set in ASC. The same VST2 path should be the path your DAW is set to read for VST2’s”

i have done all of these steps (and more) MULTIPLE times already

“When you are sure all is removed, then install the newest version
Hopefully this work”.

I just did this multiple times

at long last i came across a solution!

i’m not 100% sure if this specifically isolated and targeted the issue 10000000%

BUT it did solve the problem entirely

when i was deleting/uninstalling the Matrix-12 SOFTWARE from its places within Program Files
after EXTENSIVE searching i noticed
i still had some “FL Studio Preset Files” for the Matrix within my DOCUMENTS > “Image line” > VST3 folder
a folder native for the DAW itself, and SEPERATE from the Program Files Directory

I figured i might as well delete that FL Studio Preset File

I guess this FL Studio Preset File and the Program file interact with each other?

again i’m not 100% sure why i only had this issue with the Matrix-12 and not any of the other plugins

but after deleting that file, along with uninstalling any matrix-12 files, restarting my computer, it solved all of my problems

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Ok that’s great you’ve got to the bottom of it eventually.
I’ve marked it as solved now in case anyone else runs into the same issue.

Many thanks for the detailed update too. :smiley: