KeyLab Essential issues with Analog V

Analog Lab V stopped responding to inputs from my KLE knobs and sliders. I re-installed ALV and it worked fine for a bit and then stopped working again. I re-installed it once again and got the same outcome. All during this, ALV did respond to the keyboard and MidiOx confirms that the KLE is working correctly. Any suggestions?


Are the standalone or plug-in or both affected and which OS are you using?

Do you have any other plugins that are similarly affected?

Have you tried using another USB port and cable in case it is broken?

Are you using a powered usb hub?

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Are the standalone or plug-in or both affected and which OS are you using?

Both are affected but not initially. When I re-installed they worked OK for a bit but then they stopped working. The keys worked fine.

Do you have any other plugins that are similarly affected?

No. Everything works fine on other plugins via Cakewalk and MidiOx.

Have you tried using another USB port and cable in case it is broken?

I did indeed use other USB ports. The only thing I didn’t try was a different cable. (And for some reason they forgot to pack one in the box but I had one of my own.)

Are you using a powered usb hub?

Yes, I’m using a powered hub.


So this problem does not happen in another DAW so the keyboard, USB port, USB hub and cable are unlikely to be the problem. The problem is purely ALV in a DAW and standalone.

I know you said you had reinstalled ALV but could you try again and make sure you Clean Prefs, uninstall and reinstall via the ASC. The options to Clean Prefs and Uninstall are at the bottom of the product in ASC.