Is this.....?

I have spent a couple of hours playing with Motions now and love it. It’s very flexible and what I like most is it can be used as a subtle or brutal effect. I could not help but wonder if this is based on the Mod/FX section from Pigments as it shares so many components. I know some have asked for this. Where it does differ (and it’s a joy to see for me personally) is with the inclusion of the Beat Repeat - especially the Roll, which for a Tangerine Dream fan like me is heaven. I would love to see this functionality in Pigments. But of course, now I can use Motions on Pigments :))

While I am here: a feature request. Can the Beat Repeat sequencer be polyrhythmic?

The Beat Repeat sequencer cannot feature a polymetric mode because it is “monophonic”.
In other words, you can only have one transformation per step (Roll, Rev, Pitch…) so in any case you couldn’t have two events happening at the same time which makes the polymetric irrelevant…
All the best

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