Any suggestions on how to transfer my favorites and color tags from the 12 separate factory, paid, and user banks I have for MiniFreak V on my main PC to my laptop? Both are on Windows 11.
I realize I can (painstakingly) create multiple backups for each bank (now that I found the hidden NEW+ button to the right of Backups), for each color in those banks, and for each set of favorites in those banks, then import them into user banks on the laptop. That would take so much time that it would be easier for me to just note the hundreds of favorites/colors/etc. by hand and update each of the laptop presets one at a time. Neither of those is a pleasant option, and I’m likely to make errors.
Would it be possible to just copy the contents of C:\ProgramData\Arturia\Presets\MiniFreak V\Factory and C:\ProgramData\Arturia\Presets\MiniFreak V\User from my PC to my laptop? Or will that cause problems and get out of sync?
Hoping for some pointers on easy and reliable ways to do this.
Please note that this ISN’T about syncing presets between MiniFreak V and the hardware MiniFreak.
Thanks for the info. From the post linked within the post you referenced I see that I’m on the right track. That post says to copy one PC’s C:\ProgramData\Arturia\Presets\ to the second PC.
However I don’t have all the same apps and plugins installed on the laptop, so only wanted to copy over the MiniFreak V folder within the Presets folder. Don’t know if that will cause problems, or if copying over all the presets (for which I don’t have the matching plugins installed) will cause problems.
I may just make a backup of the whole Presets folder, then try copying over just the MiniFreak V presets folder and see what happens.
Well, I tried copying the Analog Lab V and MiniFreak V folders from Arturia\Presets (and deleting the db.db3 file). Running MiniFreak on the laptop then showed me my marked favorites for a new user bank from the pc, but all the factory, 2.0, 3.0, and purchased banks on the laptop did not show as favorites any of the presets I had marked as favorites on my main pc.
Note that I had those banks loaded on both pcs but had only marked presets as favorites on my main pc.
Ah, I see! Thanks for clarifying. I’ll try copying the additional folders.
Do you know if it would cause a problem to just copy the whole Arturia\Presets folder, even though the laptop doesn’t have all the plugins those presets reference installed? That would be simpler if it doesn’t cause problems.
Okay, copying the folders for MiniFreak V and Analog Lab V under Arturia\Presets, and under Arturia\Presets\FactoryEdit, then also copying the Arturia\Presets\Shared\Tags folder, then deleting the db.db3 file before running any of the Arturia software did the trick. Now have my same favorites on both machines.