I purchased a Patch built in MainStage. I have the .patch folder and all of the .cst instrument files. When I try to import these, nothing happens. Do I need to convert these files and if so, how?
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When you say “built in MainStage” do you mean an actual Analog Lab patch using just Arturia synths or something else? The file extension for AL patches is .labx, so I am not sure what .cst is.
Edit: .cst appears to be channel strip settings in MainStage.
I mean, I bought a series of sound presets from Shop All | MAINSTAGE KEYBOARD PATCHES. Specifically for “Good Times Roll”. In their demonstration video, they show that they have used a Keylab Essential in Mainstage to build these voices.
I thought it would be straightforward to import these sounds into Analog V for use in live performances.
I haven’t used MainStage before, but it looks like MainStage patches use synths that come with MainStage/Logic, not Arturia’s synths. There’s nothing there that interacts with Analog Lab and no way to transform the patches to work like that. That site talks about using KeyLab as a MIDI controller, but that has nothing to do with Arturia’s software synths.
That is correct so far. You can of course also use 3rd party synth plugins with Mainstage. But then it makes no sense to offer them as Mainstage patches.
I am afraid the patches you bought are for MainStage and not Analog Lab. The vendor merely used the Keylab as a MIDI controller.
However, you can open Analog Lab in MainStage and use your Keylab to control it.