Have Arturia staff abandoned the forum?

Have Arturia staff abandoned the forum?

Seems awfully quiet here lately… maybe they’re on summer vacation… :wink:

Cue autobot to invite us to read the Code of Conduct to get the most from our community!

Hey @LBH what’s new??

Hi @sand.arturia ,

Just been some days without Arturia activity, so i wondered. I think it’s great Arturia is active in the forum. Hopefully that continue.


:smiling_face_with_three_hearts: we miss you too!
We try our best to keep an eye on the forum, nevertheless this space is meant to be a community tool for every Sound Explorer to interact with.



Hope you at least log bug reports and inputs allways.



Count with it :woman_astronaut:

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I’ve always thought of these kinds of forums (fora?) as built around users, less so support staff.

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Hey @KME totally agree with you :vulcan_salute:
For technical issues we prefer to communicate through our official support team :ring_buoy: but we know many of our community members could be of huge help based on their own experience.

We are here to promote collaboration and to learn from each other as much as possible :zap:


Yep, it’s a user driven forum and official support channels are still wide open.
Any forum is really only as good as its user input.


Yes but we could expect more Arturia inside infos in the forums…the dev channel :wink:
Support is constrained by kind of legal rules.

Making support public through forums helps others who would meet similar issues to get answers without bothering “official” support staff. In the end, both customers and the company are winners when questions are answered publicly. This is also why services such as Discord exist and are successful.