In the meantime I have checked out all the Tines Presets for the DX7 V. There are some nice Presets, but I am still looking for THAT ULTIMATE SIGNATURE FULL TINES Sound! Maybe within Analog Lab in the form of combining two DX7 Vs in one Multi-Presets or maybe one Preset is enough. I don’t know. I am obsessed with DX7 EPiano Sounds. And I would like to get to a sound with the DX7 V or two DX7 Vs which is as good as this library - FM Tines2 which is really very very good:
I am a little bit confused. The manual says that you can not import DX7 Mark 2 Sysex into the DX7 V - only DX7 Mark 1 sysex, but I downloaded sysex of a DX7 II Bank and I could import it and the Presets seem to work so far.
I thought that this way I could maybe find a better sounding Full Tines Preset, but the DX7 II Preset also doesn’t sound that rich. So I am still searching for some free or commercial or factory Preset which uses one or two DX7 V engines to give you a really rich sounding DX7 80s E Piano Sound.
Hi @zappafrank ,
Did you try the things i have suggested in another thread?
If you for example select the Rom1A-E.Piano 1 - then set all 6 operator levels to MAX (Right position) and turn the Feedback parameter right of the algorithm display fully counter clockwise to remove the effect it have, then add a Chorus effect and perhaps a little Reverb before that, then you get a FullTines. Then for example exsperiment with the 4 Data Entry Sliders Left of the Algorithm Display.
The FullTines used in popular music was’nt the excat same sound on all songs. That preset perhaps is’nt that preset. Do you have a song example? Just in case that can help someone to help you further.
BTW: Many Piano sounds are to be found under Classic keys or perhaps other categories. The E-Piano 1 is under Mallets.
BTW: Also exsperiment with setting the Velocity parameter under Settings in the right panel to Full instead of DX7.
maybe I have overlooked something: Which other thread do you mean?
Thank you for your answer and suggestions. In the FMTines Plugin (see the Video at the top) you have all the 80s Sounds I am looking for. I repeat myself: I think it is nice if you can do that with realtime FM Engines instead of samples. The Arturia Collection comes with so many great sounds. I just don’t understand why there are no Multi-Layer E-Piano Sounds provided with Analog Lab that really give you that 80s EPiano Ecstasy And just as a sidenote: Con you confirm that the DX7 V can also import DX7 II sysex? Thank you.
A Song example:
Whitney Houston: Saving all my Love for you
(I think I am mainly after 3 Tines Variations: A Dyno Tine, a Bell Tine and Tine with some Bite to it.)
These are my favorites in FM8 or maybe those already were included in FM7 from Native Instruments. It would just be nice to have those sounds also included in DX7 V.
For the future if you include a Yamaha TX816 which is like 8 DX7s

OK, I am in the process of tweaking the EPiano 1 as you suggested. How do I get a more glassy sounding variation? And how do I get more bells? And if I want a bright Sound I just use an EQ or is there an operator or some algorithm I should also manipulate? One thing I have noticed in the meantime is that if all operators go to the max positions almost any of the factory presets sound better to my ears. So that was a very good advice.
Here is an Analog Lab X Preset for the famous DX7 Full Tines Preset.
Nothing out of this world. Just some effects added. I just have tried to come close to the FM8 Full Tines Preset Version.
DX7_Preset_FullTines FM 8_20240806_16h20.labx (85.6 KB)
Hi again @zappafrank.
FYI: I’m a moderator but i’m a user and not an Arturia employee.
Often i think it’s about the chorus/ effects of any kind that’s used. But off coarse it’s also about the basic sound it self.
NI’s FM8 FullTines is a original DX7 FullTines. I don’t know if The two others are original presets.
Have you tried to import DX7 II SYsex? I cant tell if it work. Try it out and let’s know about it.
BTW: To me the sound used in the video you have posted don’t use a lot of tines. It sound more like the Rom1A-E.Piano 1 without being that one either. It can perhaps even be a layered sound.
I’ve been given adviseces in this thread and in the DualSqaure Preset thread i posted a link for above.
More than that will require i begin to create presets. I’m not sure i will do that. You can come a long way with the advices.
There are DX7 piano sounds in some of Arturias soundpacks i believe. But i don’t know in which.
You can contact Arturia support and suggest ideas for soundpacks.
Hi, thank you. You have given me very good advice. I don’t have the ambition to deep dive into FM Synthesis, but I have realized that if you start with for example the Full Tines Preset which is available as sysex in the internet as well as something like thousands of Presets then if you only play with the operator sliders in DX7 V and combine that with EQ and Chorus you can get the typical 80s Sounds. This way I could replicate more or less my 3 favorite FM8 Presets. The other two favorites are based on commercial Presets. So I can not share them.
And I got the impression that you can import also DX7 II sysex. This is an unofficial statement.