DualSquare Preset

I have the V Collection X and it seems that the very nice Mini V Preset “DualSquare” is no longer to be found in this collection. Has anybody this Preset and is it possible to import it in the V Collection X (Mini V Version 4). I think the Preset was included in the first and second Version of the Mini V. In the third Version it is already missing and I can run on my Mac only 64bit applications. The third Version ist 64bit, but the second version which I would need is not running on my system because it is 32bit.

Hi @zappafrank . Welcome back.

Older presets are not compatible with Mini V4. Mini V4 is changed much and the same settings is either not possible or will probably not sound the same.

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This sounds like bad news, but thank you very much for your quick response! I know there are a lot of square lead sounds in the V Collection, but this one had a very nice smack and I am not such an experienced tweaker so I am not able to rebuild that preset.

The preset is still available in mini V2 factory presets. It’s a C.Engel sound if it’s the one i have. And i can use it on windows. It’s also 64 bit as plugin.

It would not be possible to change the sound of an emulation, if old presets shall sound the same in the new. So even if i can understand you and even feel the same, then i also would like to have the best emulation.

EDIT: Perhaps it will be easier to use for example Jup-8 for that kind of Square sound in VC X.

I downloaded a demo version of Metaplugin which lets you run 32 Bit and 64 Intel Plugins on a M1 Mac and I could open the Mini V2 as a 64bit VST. As a sidenote: Is it possible to still authorize the Mini V2 VST on my system? But this Metaplugin is very difficult to handle. It reacts very slowly and suddenly looses its connection and things like that. It is made for effects, not for synth VSTs and the version for synths seems to be no longer available. So I think the best solution would be to find someone who could rebuild this preset for me. I don’t care if this would be done with the Mini or the Jupiter. Do you maybe know a Sound Designer who could do this? I would pay for this. I made a screenshot and I tried to rebuild the Preset by myself, but it doesn’t sound the same. And I am not experienced enough to do this.

You should be able to activate your Mini V2 through ASC i believe. I do.
I don’t know much about MAC.

It can be rather exspensive to order a specific preset sound. A Square can sound very different from application to application, and if you wan’t things excactly the same, then it can take quite some time if possible at all to get it 100% excact.
However for this time i have created a Mini V4 and a JUP-8 V4 preset i attach this post. I think the JUP-8 V4 is very very close. The Mini V4 is’nt as close, but i think it’s good in it’s own rights and a place to start similar sounds.
FYI: The file extention min4x could not be uploaded. I’ve tried to change it to minix as it was before. You can change it again to min4x ifyou can’t import as minix.
Both files is to be found in Bank LBH.

Jup-8_Preset_Dual Square.jup4x (42.6 KB)
Mini_Preset_Dual Square.minix (35.2 KB)

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Thank you very much. That is very kind of you. I will check these presets out later on. May I ask you one more question: I have searched a lot in the internet, but I can not find a real Full Tines Preset for the Arturia DX7. And maybe you know that the Full Tines was a sound of the DX7 II not of the old DX7 I and the Arturia Version only lets you import sysex from the DX7 I if I am not overlooking something.
I guess you could for example make a very nice Full Tines Sound by combining two presets within the Arturia DX7 or maybe this is not necessary. All I know is that the factory Preset EPianos of the Arturia DX7 don’t give you that classical Full Tines Sound. So do you know how to get there? Is there maybe a commercial Preset Pack with really good Arturia DX7 EPianos? Thank you in advance. Otherwise I am very happy with the V Collection X especially after I have discovered that you can integrate Pigments into the V Collection which gives you the chance to import you one samples. Only 6 or 12 if you use two velocity layers, but that is already something.

The Jupiter Preset is spot on. I think you nailed it. Thank you very much!!! I could import it in the standalone version of the Jupiter. I tried the same with the Mini Preset, but I can not import it, not as “x” and neither “4x”, but I would say that is not the end of the world because your recreation of that sound on the Jupiter is really nice! Muchas gracias!

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Glad to hear that @zappafrank .

About the DX7.
The DX7 pianos was used a lot before the DX7 II that first arrived in the year 1987 i think. Users tweaked the originals factory presets.

There are different Fulltines sysex for dx7 out there i believe. DX7 V for example also have the Tinesletown preset.

However if you for example take the classic ROM1A 11-E.Piano 1 preset you have in DX7 V that i also think is mother to the Fulltines preset, then you can get many kind of tines and other piano just by tweaking the 6 Operator levels and the 4 Data Entry Sliders. Then add effects like Chorus or Flanger, perhaps add Compression and other effects.

You can also combine 2 instances of Pianos. You can even do that in Analog Lab. The DX1 was basicly two DX7’s.

I suggest you try it out. It’s possible you get results that’s better for you.

thank you very much one more time. I have overlooked this preset because of the strange name, this sounds nice. I would even say this is the best DX7 EPiano Factory Preset and obviously also a very good starting point for further tweaking!

It’s a little funny as Tinseltown Rebellion is a Frank Zappa album @Zappafrank. :grinning:


I was thinking the same, but the name of the preset is not Tinseltown. The name is a little bit strange, but it doesn’t matter. This preset really makes my day :slight_smile:

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“they think that substance is a booooooore!” :smiley:

I love that song!


Absolutely Zappa :+1:
Let’s hear it for another great Italian …


Anything Anytime Anyplace For No Reason At All :smiley:
The Analog Lab is now my Utility Muffin Research Kitchen :smile:
I have only two suggestions for future updates: Pigments should not steal 3 sample slots when you want 3 velocity layers. It should have like lets say 15 sample slots for a first velocity layer and 15 for another. I am aware of the fact that in many situations you might not need so much. Sometimes just one sample is enough, but it would be just nice to have, right?
And it would be nice if the Arturia FX Collection could be integrated into Analog Lab the way Pigments is integrated. This way you could put for example a nice dimension chorus on a DX7 Piano and things like that, you know what I mean. And now its “Shut up an play yer guitar” for me.

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Hello I know it’s not relevant in this post but I couldn’t help myself when I see the name of the Great Frank Zappa.
As a Zappa fan, I only say one word: Yo’ Mama.

70 Albums

I love what I see there and Yo Mama is such a great solo. I have spend a lot of time to try to play at least parts of it on the guitar in a simplified way. I saw Zappa twice back in the days in Ahlen, Westfahlen, Open Air and in Cologne. Nothing comes close :wink:

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