[Feature Request] velocity curve per saved preset

Hi forum,

i am often saving factory presets under a playlist. As far as i understand it’s internally also a copy where every parameters can be saved without changing the initial factory preset.

So, whats annoying is that the velocity curve cannot be saved for a specific preset, even if its under a playlist. As soon as i press save for this preset the initial velocity curve is restored.



So that we can help, can you give an example of a preset that loses the custom velocity curve. Also, I assume you own the instruments that are affected to be able to change the velocity curve?

Hi Funtmaster,

I own the V Collection 9 and am mainly talking about Piano V3. As far as I know it affects all Piano V presets. Going into the instrument → Advanced → Model and adjusting the velocity curve under “Keyboard” will change the velocity immediatly. But when pressing save the old velocity is recovered.

I also noticed that when adjusting the velocity curve, the velocity assistant only takes into account the speed that was pressed by keys. However, if I press keys so that the assistant displays the “Next” button, but first adjust the curve manually with the mouse, this is not taken into account.


I see what you mean. I went thru the keyboard calibration as offered and adjusting the velocity curve, then saving, causes it to revert to the default (post calibration) setting if that was performed. Looks like a bug to me so you best log it with Arturia Support.

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