[Feature Request] Dark mode in Efx Motions

Dear Arturia,

The effect is cool and sounds nice, but please consider implementing a dark mode skin, like in Pigments, instead of this eye bleaching white. On systems with OS wide and application GUI’s in dark mode, this plugin is simply too bright and white.


Hi @synthanimal and welcome to our Sound Explorers community!

Thanks for your feature request, indeed it could be nice this improvement.

We will mark this topic as a feature request to let our team know about it.

Please make sure to subscribe to our Newsletter to be the first to know about all the latest news from Arturia.


Yes, Efx Motions could definitely could use a dark mode.


Hi Mat,

Sounds good, thank you :slight_smile:

yes a Dark Mode would be really nice! Also for Dist Coldfire. I use Cubase Pro and I have set the colors quite dark and the contrast to those bright plugin UIs ist just too much. As it is already implemented in Pigments I guess it should be an easy one to do it for the Dev Team :wink:


Hi @HONEYHILL and welcome to our Sound Explorers community!

If you haven’t already, please make sure to subscribe to our Newsletter to be the first to know about them.

Hi - I’buy this plugin cause it’s amazing - but in hope, the darkmode will be implemented soon. As already mentioned, it’s hard to read cause it’s way to white imho.

Keep up your great work,…


Hi @binary_noise and welcome to our Sound Explorers community!

Yes Efx Motions is an incredible plugin for sure :sunglasses:

We’ll keep this marked as a feature request as I know it’s being asked for rather a lot.

Please make sure to subscribe to our Newsletter to be the first to know about the latest news from Arturia.

Please Arturia!! It is very difficult to work with such white and bright interfaces :sob:


i agree, and sorry to say that i even stopped using fragments and motions just because of this disturbing white skin, takes away all the concentrated energy of making music.
i love fragments and motions but this is the situation… i understand ARTURIA prefers these light and hard to read skins and i respect, but there should be a choice of dark skin too…

I agree! I am about to buy the FX collection but some of the effects with completely white interface is a total turnoff. And there is no way to change the theme to dark. I don’t understand.

And the same with some of the plugins, like the Augmented stuff. Arturia, please make it a priority to give dark theme options for everything. It will look more consistent and pleasant to look at.

It would be helpful, especially at night while grinding on a tight deadline.

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This has been requested by many users for ages now…

Come on Arturia. How ’bout it!

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I am about to buy Arturia’s FX Collection 5, but I’m wondering how it works in regard to Arturia’s procedure in updating the individual effect plugins in the future, if they decide to add dark themes for some of them.

Let’s take Fragments, for instance. Will the current Fragments effect plugin remain the “same version” in the future and therefore be eligible for free updates in the future, in case they decide to add a dark theme to it?

In other words, let’s say that Arturia one day decides to add a dark theme to it. Do you think they will update Fragments for someone who is still on version 5 (of FX Collection), when they release FX Collection 6?

My concern is that if I get the FX Collection 5 now and in a few months they release version 6, where Fragments has a dark theme available, but it will require me to pay an additional upgrade fee (from 5 to 6) just to get a dark theme for Fragments.

I used the example of Fragments effect above, but my question still applies to any plugin with white or bright interface that doesn’t have a dark theme available, yet.

Also, I ask because I’m confused about how Arturia treats their instrument plugins VS their effect plugins, when it comes to interface enhancements.

I saw that they reworked some of their instruments plugins (like Mini V4) in VCX (I still have VC8), and I am wondering if it’s a similar procedure with effect plugins?

Or do they still give you free updates for your effect plugins, even though you don’t upgrade to their newest version of FX Collection?

To sum up. I hope that if I get Arturia FX Collection 5 now and they decide to add a dark theme for some of their (annoying looking) effect plugins, that I would still be eligible to get a free update for those plugins in the future.

Hi everyone,

We’re aware that the white GUIs are a pain point for many users, and we understand that dark modes are widely requested. We’re doing our best to incorporate this feature into our software products, although it’s not always feasible at the time of release due to technical or scheduling constraints.

Regarding Aleque’s question: when a product is updated with a dark mode, e.g. Fragments, it will remain free for users who have already purchased a previous version. This is similar to how we implemented a light mode in the latest version of Pigments.

The only exception applies to products that we completely rebuild from scratch, like the Mini V3, which is a different instrument from the Mini V2. If you previously bought the Mini V2 and wish to use the Mini V3, you will need to purchase it separately.

I hope this clarifies things!
