[Feature Request] Analog Lab V instruments and presets in Analog Lab 4!?

Hi there,

Is it possible to get all those new sounds and instruments from Analog Lab V to play in Analog Lab 4?

I have a license for both, but Analog Lab V lacks all the filtering and search capabilities found in Analog Lab 4, especially when used with KeyLab Essential.



The instruments that’s added after ALV arrived does’nt run in Analog Lab 4. So those presets have to used in ALV. The rest should work in both.

Like what?

Ii don’t have a Arturia controller. But i know they had speciel buttons for some things, that might not work the same in ALV.
But it’s still possible to navigate through TYPES and PRESETS and select them from a controller.
I don’t know how ALV is set up for your controller, if you select it as controller in the MIDI tab in the right panel.

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Well, since Analog Lab V, you MUST use the mouse if you want to do a simple preset selection (filter) for example ‘CZ + Leads’.

No way to do that from the KeyLab controller. You can just select either ‘CZ’ OR ‘Leads’. You CANNOT combine multiple filters and search, as it were possible in Analog Lab 4.

In other words, the same limitation applies is if you are browsing the presets using the Arturia emulations. You may only select ‘Types’ without any ability to combine preset filters with a ‘Styles’ selection - IF you are not using the mouse. Which kind of kills the idea of a preset browser on the KeyLab.

Arturia actually confirmed by email to me that a lot of functionalities have been removed from Analog Lab V (but are still present in Analog Lab 4).

I’m trying to find a solution to recover my workflow, I heavily rely on the multi-filtering options when it comes to preset browsing.

I agree it should be possible to browse and select all filters from a controller.

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Hey @SoftSynthM thanks for your feedback,
I’ll mark this topic as a Feature request to let our team know about it and take it into account for future updates.

Have a good one :zap:

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