Discord servers?

Hi, just checking, is anyone running, or has a list of discord servers related to Arturia products?

Hey @nitrateaudio at the moment we don’t have an official Discord channel but we currently use this forum to have all the information about our products.

It’s true that there is a big community on Discord, maybe one day we will create one as the community grows up :seedling:

Also we kindly invite you to read our Code of Conduct to get the most from our community!

Not sure. I tried Discord for music and audio related stuff for a couple years, but have pretty much given up on it. It was made to be more of a real time gaming chat place, which it’s good at, but I don’t think that translates well to group discussions, sharing of knowledge, troubleshooting, or as repositories of information. In short; it’s too chaotic.
Just my $ 0.02

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thanks for the reply.

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hi, i hang out sometimes on this synth discord server called synth heads. its not bad. it covers a wide range of synth technology and software and hardware – so not only for arturia VIs. lots of Jean Michelle Jarre fans on it. But there is some good info on it. I learnt some new things in the hangouts.

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Sounds cool! We love Jean Michelle Jarre @nitrateaudio
Here is one of our Artists series Stories with him.

Thanks for sharing!


It’s funny. I had some issues with the discord. I never could even really get on to it. I do have a note in my firewall in android after recently I enabled Google Play Store and picked up the app along with another app I was keen to get on my phone.

Anyway after the Discord app was in the firewall’s list the firewall says “incoming messages are received by Google Play Services and not by this app and can therefore not be blocked by blocking this app”. I don’t have any other apps on the list with this message. Pretty special behavior from the VPN firewall in android, to state this so explicitly, don’t you think?

So I guess Discord is tantamount to Google and that would explain my problems getting the website to accept my logins, even though it were on the computer and browser.

No wonder I had such problems logging in there.