Hi! First message here…
I just updated Mini to 3.0 and I’m noticing something weird, maybe it’s just my unit? When I turn the Type knob (oscilator type), the first “notch” it turns, that is, first engine switch, although the engine changes (you can tell by the sound, of course), no info is shown on the miniscreen. I can’t see the name of the new engine which I just enabled. If I continue turning the knob another notch, then I see the name, but it’s yet another engine. So if I just want to switch to the next engine on the list, I don’t know which one it is by seeing on the screen.
Is this new in 3.0? I don’t remember having this issue with the previous FW. Is it just my unit?
Hey there, was just about to post a question about this and saw you just asked it. Indeed, after the new update there is a lag with the screen updating the info when changing the oscillator engine, it does display the info about one second after ± I hope Arturia can get it fixed soon 
The first detent turn on the Type encoder yields no response, the second detent turn actually changes value. Same when holding down Shift to change wavetable or sample.
My Minifreak is new and I updated the firmware to 3.0 literally two days after owning it, so I didn’t realize that the encoder behavior was any different. It’s all I’ve ever known. But it did seem odd that I had to turn the encoder two detents before a value would change.
On mine, running the latest FW, the osc type changes on the first click of the encoder, and the animations start immediately.
It may not be very helpful, but that’s how it works here. Maybe it’s worth trying the old advice of using Reset Setting in the Utility menu and/or reflashing the FW, if not already done.
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