Can I record a sequence from analog Lab V to a separate midi file?

Hi to all, I would like to record the sequence playing from the Analog V Instrument to a an external midi channel to play this from my external midi box, is this possible an what did I wrong? I used the AU and also the VST3 instance of analog V but in the separate midi channel there is recorded only the single note played on my midi keybord. But I would like to get all the single notes coming from analog V. Can anybody give me an advise for doing the ? regards to you all and thank you !

Hi @deboje,

Analog Lab do not output midi notes from sequencer preset.
So i’m afraid you can’t do what you wan’t using Analog Lab.

Pigments as separate instrument can output sequences. But if that helps requires you have it, and also that a host and the plugin format you use can support it.

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Thank you for your advise, yes I use pigments as well but would like to use the sounds from analog lab too. regards

You are welcome.

I would not hold my breath for having Analog Lab to be able to do this. Analog Lab should also have to be able to combine two instruments outputs from multi presets too.
But feel free to create a feature request. I’m not an Arturia employee and don’t know for sure.

Analog Lab uses sounds created in Arturias individual full applications. And it uses the the sound engines from them too. To get full functionality and full control over Analog Labs presets you need the full instruments anyway. Not all of Arturias instruments can at this point output midi notes from internal sequencers and/ or Arpeggiators.

Hi @LBH I took a request to Arturia, lets see what they answer… still waiting

Arturia wrote the following:
Regarding your question, our instruments, do not have the functionality to output MIDI notes from sequences directly to a separate MIDI channel. The sequences are processed internally and designed to control the sound engine of the plugin itself.

In addition, we do not perform testing on the Sequence by EMO WAVE, so I am unable to confirm whether it would work, however, some DAWs allow you to route MIDI output from a plugin to a separate MIDI track. If your DAW supports this, you could potentially capture the MIDI notes generated by the sequence.