Hi there,
now that they released firmware 1.3, can there be found any information on the bug fixes and improvements included other than the new instruments and presets?
Greetings, Richard
Hi there,
now that they released firmware 1.3, can there be found any information on the bug fixes and improvements included other than the new instruments and presets?
Greetings, Richard
Piano engine is a way better, I don’t have glitch and cuts anymore. Thats the only thing I notice except the new presets. Polyphony on Pigments is always very limited.
Will the polyphony of the DX7 be increased to 16 voices (to match the original hardware) in a future update?
here same requests.
Increase poliphony where possible please
part mute option
possibility to locate, move or delete preset sounds
Still missing the possibility to control master volume with a pedal.
What’s your opinion?
Controlling the Master Volume with the Expression pedal is possible, but it’s not a global setting.
It can be assigned at the preset level in Analog Lab, in the “Keyb. Settings”. There you can assign Expression for the current preset to any parameter of the “Edit Preset” page (mostly volumes and effects). Then save the preset with the new Expression assignment.
That’s not what I’m after. I need the possibility to adjust main volume on the fly independently from any patch and as the volume knob on the far left end of the keyboard isn’t too convenient for this task, I would love to have a foot controller for this task, preferably one of the aux pedals that are intended to support continuous controllers as well as switch and should be assignable to global volume.
… far right end of course
I am facing first note missing issue for some presets like Autumn Spirit (Synclavier). I am running on 1.3. Is there any solution or workaround for this?
And wait…the best still has to come… LOL
There are notes missing everywhere, and the only way to fix it is to sell and get a decent Synth.
I decided to keep mine because i am not even able to sell it for 1000 euros, i still feel like it’s wasted money and there will be no future for this, except if Arturia will send to their customers an upgrade board to swap with the original one, with decent storage and RAM speed and an enough powerful CPU.
Just try to send a BT audio file and use the first piano patch in the keyboard: if you apply reverb within and play a little fast, audio will become a crack-pop-freeze-o-rama.
They should change the name from Astrolab to Astrocrap … ok Arturia, you got my money once with Origin, then twice with this, but i won’t get fooled again, and get only your software.
So sad and upset!
HI @Spargiulo
If your AstroLab is as bad as you’re describing it, then really you should return it to the retailer you purchased it from for a full refund as it’s still under warranty, you do no have to keep it or sell it for less than you paid for it.
i think that a complain based upon real facts should warn other potential customers, and can be useful. I don’t quote “it’s bad because of the color” but report, as a paying customer, the flaws of an item. Prove me i’m wrong and i will apologize.
If i could send it back for refund i’ve already did it, but 30 days return policy (Kytary.cz) passed and i missed it, waiting with hope that Arturia fixed the major problems.
If you check italian used marketplaces, the price dropped to 1350 euros for the new, i weren’t able to sell at 1000 even if i paid 1590 for the new - i got it ad “day one” so i decided to keep it.
I still hope that Arturia will do the miracle, but the message i want to send is: buy a laptop, Arturia plugins and a Keylab MK3 and you will be happy, spending the same amount.
Arturia invested a lot in marketing, i am sure, because every youtube presentation shows the same “good things” but not the elephant in the room, that is huge… Be honest - and i say it as an happy Arturia product user -i’ve got really plenty of your products (just to mention all v-collection from 6 to now) and that’s why i bought Astrolab with hope and joy; this project feels like a demo, or having an obsolete laptop running an overwheight plugin, note truncations, loading times, cracks and pops if you play something fast…
Maybe it will be fixed and i hope it, i’d be the most happy and proud owner shouting “that’s ASTONISHING, great sounds (true), flawless workflow, stylish(true), easy, realiable and fast for every live gig”
But for now i’m struggling to have the volume pedal working on every preset, wihout modifyng every single sound, or play upon a BT wave without cracking and pop sounds if i apply reverb.
Again, prove me i’m wrong and i will apologize and change my mind.
I’m not angry, just sad @matjones , and i thank you for your understanding
For my part, thanks to everyone for posting. I was considering an Arturia board, but these Astrolab defects, along with those of the Keylabs, have convinced me to look elsewhere.
despite the latest firmware and no matter how long I wait after a preset change, the first note is always missing on some presets. Horror! Arturia, at least that has to be fixed immediately! Is there at least any workaround?
Unfortunately, this is a known issue that affects specific instruments:
I understand that Arturia has been working on fixing those. Not sure when the firmware will include those fixes.
Workaround? Play a first “ghost note” just after loading any preset of those 4 instruments.
Sorry I don’t have a better solution at the moment.
thank you so much for your fast answer, I really appreciate that. And I also really hope FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART, that Arturia fixes this bug(s) asap … Because like this it is a big “no no” for live …
Besides fixing bugs,
I just want to say
+1 on allowing mapping of the expression pedal to Macro, or other parameters.
I would want to be able to, for example, control the knee lever function on the Farfisa with an expression pedal, if possible.
Same here… really need option to globally control volume with foot pedal… so I don’t have to have a hand free to adjust vol when switching presets live.
(hope this is the right place)
After a year or so, I really love this machine, it sounds great, and does almost everything right.
Just one request that would make it close to perfect: shift press one of the preset keys to store the current preset in the current Playlist/Song. Just this one wish, pretty pretty please
I’ll second this smart request
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