[Bug]s & [Feature Request]s 2!

Totally understand you loll! I was also about to store it for good… but I’ve put too much time into it by now (Sunk Cost Fallacy?). The workstations you mention are great! I’m slowly building my patches into an E-MU PK6 with the Vintage Keys collection RAM ad-on. It has all the great sounds and effects that the Arturia has, minus the Vocoder.

I don’t mind waiting a bit more for a more stable update for the Astrolab, but I might switch keys next year if the rig doesn’t become more reliable. I feel that the Astrolab has so much potential!


One Day with my new Astrolab - I love it`s concept … but …


  • Unfortunately, my app doesn’t connect properly with the device… but then again, who still uses 2.4 GHz nowadays… except for light bulbs? Would it have cost an extra 2€ for a decent Wi-Fi chip?
  • Even when I am on the 2.4 GHz network, the device doesn’t connect because it can’t find the network… No, it’s not an issue with visibility; everything is visible, and all other devices have no problems…

AnalogLabV Software

  • The highly praised “Shop” has not worked since the beginning of time. It’s simply not possible to make a purchase. I’ve been managing by selecting sound sets and buying them via the internet browser. But if there is a shop within the program, it should function without problems.

  • When I try to create multisounds in the AnalogLab software, of course, it doesn’t work via drag & drop as one might expect. No, that would be too easy. I first have to open Part 2 on Astrolab. However, this causes me to lose my preset sound in AnalogLab because the computer now shows me the contents of the Astrolab library. Or I have to go to “Side Menu/Edit Preset” in the AnalogLab software… I bought the Astrolab so I could quickly find the right sound :wink:

  • If I have a multisound and want to replace it with a new sound in Part 1 or Part 2, that also doesn’t work via drag & drop. Even though the AnalogLab software indicates that the sound can be dragged to the corresponding field, nothing happens at all.

  • If I want to delete a preset in the software, unfortunately, it doesn’t work by pressing the “backspace” key. I have to use the mouse to right-click and select “delete.”

  • When I browse through new sounds in the Astrolab library, the list inexplicably jumps somewhere else at some point. This is very annoying.

  • Same problem: If I delete a preset from one of the lists, the list jumps up or down… what’s that all about?

  • Duplicate presets are possible on Astrolab – why am I not at least warned by a dialog that a preset with the same name and size already exists on the device? Then I could still choose to proceed if it’s okay.

  • It’s fine that there are only limited search options on Astrolab itself. But why is it the same in the Astrolab Library within AnalogLab? There is a good search mask for the library on the MacBook. Why on earth is it restricted for the Astrolab Library?

Astrolab itself

  • I constantly get the message “Preset not found” on the device when I select sounds in AnalogLab. Yet, it does play and display the correct preset.

  • After about 30 minutes of working in AnalogLab, the device seems to “overheat” - it eventually freezes, loses connection, or… Then, I have to shut down and restart Astrolab, after which everything is fine again.

  • Loading sounds on Astrolab can certainly take a few seconds - I have no problem with that. But displaying the name and image of the preset without the new sound being loaded is not acceptable. How else will I know when I can start playing during a performance? Previous software-based devices had a smart solution for this… a loading screen :wink:

  • If I want to set the range of a part directly on Astrolab, I have to press “shift - Split,” even if I just want to limit a single sound - it took me forever to figure that out… well, maybe my fault for not looking under “MIDI” for this function.
    … but then, if I change the range on the instrument (Low Note/High Note), nothing happens in the AnalogLab software. The range does not change, and nothing changes under “Keyb. Settings” either.

  • … Audio Dropouts especially playing Pianosounds. My god, which slow CPU did you install to the astrolab? And how would it be - working with 500GB internal instead of 20GB? You would have no problems with Sampled Sounds anymore …

Please!!! … better working Software and this Instrument is getting the most pretty Livekeyboard ever.


I totally agree and subscribe your points.
It seems that no one uses this keyboard for real, and i am asking why we have same price tag instruments without all these issues.

I own one from day one and i am selling it, all of these issues are related to a poor hardware engine , and because i am sure that future “developement” cannot fix an underscaled cpu.

Try a simple split piano+string patch, and add BT audio.
It is simply unplayable, dropout and glitches if you play more than 3 notes…
some of the patches with samples, note cut like raindrops.

no, no and again NO

we spent €1500 for an already dead project (i had Origin too but maybe did not get the lesson learned)
Never again

Man… how excited I was when I saw a new firmware update 1-2 weeks ago! But alas, none of the above problems have been fixed.

The “Save On Astrolab” function is much appreciated!

The firmware update process itself was a nightmare… The firmware update crashed during the transfer. It took me 2 days to have the update work. Why? I have no idea!

I have 3 computers at my reach (luckily for me!)

  • M1 Macbook Air
  • i7 iMac
  • M2 Mac Studio

The firmware update never worked on my M1 Macbook air, so I figured I’d try my intel Mac. Both computers couldn’t get the update going. I tried to revert to the previous firmware with no luck (the Astrolab was stuck in safe mode and was unusable). After a day of trying on both computers, with different USB C cables, I gave up and was ready to count the synth as “dead”… for real. On the second day, I figured I’d roll the dices and try my M2 Mac Studio. I grabbed the synth from my garage (where I jam) and went upstairs home to my mixing room. It worked flawlessly as soon as I connected it! Why? I have no clue! All my Arturia software were all the same and up to date on all computers, and I used a cable that didn’t previously work on my other two computers…

So I figure: it seems that my M2 Mac Studio is reliable to work with my Astrolab from now on? FALSE!

On my M2 Mac Studio I can edit sounds on Analog Lab with the synth connected, but I’m not able to drag my presets onto my Astrolab Setlists. The USB connects with the keyboard telling me that it’s connected, and I can see my Astrolab Patches, but I can’t ad any new patches onto it.

My workaround is super sketchy. I use Dropbox to EXPORT my M2 Mac Studio sounds to a shared folder. I then boot up my M1 Macbook air, import the presets from my dropbox and transfer the patches to my Astrolab. It’s super sketchy, because I have a computer with an audio interface to monitor my sounds, and another computer with no audio interface just to be able to save the sounds on the Astrolab.

Long story short, the M1 Macbook air couldn’t firmware update the Astrolab, but it’s now my only computer that can send patches to it? My M2 Mac Studio was my only computer that could firmware update the synth, but it can’t send any new patches to the Astrolab.

Find the logic?

At this point, I will finish the year with the Astrolab, as I have a sunken cost fallacy going on with it. I have put too much work on my live set, and I have too few time before my next live gigs to work a new setlist on a new keyboard. Next year, I will be changing my synth, because it is too unreliable. I will go back to a proper work station.

Also, did I mention that I had patches not load twice on me during two different festival gigs? Why? Because I need to wait sometimes as much as 3 seconds for a patch to load before playing it. Otherwise, it will either audibly glitch HARD or not load at all! 3 seconds can be an eternity! Like 2 measures of music depending on the tempo. It’s a ton of empty gaps, especially when you want to transition from a previous section to a new one with a punch!

I love the Arturia sounds, and while I’m at it, it’s a shame that the V3 sounds can’t be preserved onto the newer synths. I’ve lost so many lovely sounds that I never quite re-created as well on the newer versions. That being said, the software has a long history of crashing on me since 2014, when I’ve bought my first V Collection. It crashed often in my Ableton Sections, and now the glitches are plaguing my Astrolab. I should have been more cautious with the Astrolab Purchase, but the Arturia sound quality was too important to me to not take a chance on it.

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Here IMO something to be improved:

  1. Ac Piano stuck notes still present after last upgrade
  2. Real time integration with Analog Lab sometimes seems weird
  3. Like option could be activated on ASTROLAB
  4. Mute part option
  5. Increase poliphony (16 voices) at least for DX and PIGMENTS
  6. Problems with Yamaha expression/volume pedal
  7. Possibility to have a Main (liked) Soundset organization (not only the playlist set)

Maybe some more points, while I can second all that was said before:

  • use a pedal to control main volume (or am I missing this?)
  • make sfz-player available to allow custom multisamples (would be a big improvement at least for me since I’m missing a couple of sounds I would love to use in live setups)
  • improving stability and reliability is a no-brainer and I’m sure arturia will keep on working on this
  • custom Presets on the sound category buttons would be nice, too

I think we all will be happy if arturia listens to us users. A roadmap or some other messages from arturia on next steps on astrolab would be nice, too

Hi I too would love to see the modwheel, expression pedal and aftertouch assignable to more instrument features such as cutoff, glide time, etc (like a macro) as it seems that these can only be assigned to Moreno “FX type” features which is very limiting…even more so because you have to reach across with your left hand to adjust the macros, easier to adjust these parameters with modwheel

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Is arturia still watching this thread?
No reactions on their behalf for a couple of weeks now. Would be happy to have kind of a roadmap for future improvements of Astrolab

Greetings, Richard

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Hi there,

now that they released firmware 1.3, can there be found any information on the bug fixes and improvements included other than the new instruments and presets?

Greetings, Richard

Piano engine is a way better, I don’t have glitch and cuts anymore. Thats the only thing I notice except the new presets. Polyphony on Pigments is always very limited.

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Will the polyphony of the DX7 be increased to 16 voices (to match the original hardware) in a future update?

here same requests.
Increase poliphony where possible please
part mute option
possibility to locate, move or delete preset sounds

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Still missing the possibility to control master volume with a pedal.
What’s your opinion?

Controlling the Master Volume with the Expression pedal is possible, but it’s not a global setting.
It can be assigned at the preset level in Analog Lab, in the “Keyb. Settings”. There you can assign Expression for the current preset to any parameter of the “Edit Preset” page (mostly volumes and effects). Then save the preset with the new Expression assignment.

That’s not what I’m after. I need the possibility to adjust main volume on the fly independently from any patch and as the volume knob on the far left end of the keyboard isn’t too convenient for this task, I would love to have a foot controller for this task, preferably one of the aux pedals that are intended to support continuous controllers as well as switch and should be assignable to global volume.

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… far right end of course