[Bug]s & [Feature Request]s 2!

Hello All! I am documenting a few bugs and sharing a few ideas for upcoming features.

First of all, I’ve been a huge fan of Arturia products since I first purchased my first VCollection 3 in 2014. I am pleased to report that the keyboard sounds almost as good as their software counterpart. I say “almost” because there is less than a 5% quality difference between my studio converter (Neuman MT48) and the synth’s internal converter. I was worried that the DA conversion would be bad, after hearing a ton of YouTube demos that honestly sounded less defined than what I’ve experienced with the VSTs and what I’m hearing at home in my home studio from the Synth directly. What made me purchase the synth are the demos on Arturia’s site, that sounded far more 3D than the YouTube reviews and also the fact that they didn’t manage to squeeze the power supply inside the synth. So koodos for not cheaping out on the converters!

In the past years, I used a Yamaha DX7 II for my live shows with a pedalboard for effects, so my requests will reflect features that I am used to have from a proper master keyboard. If I am I misunderstanding something, please let me know!

Features that would be nice:

  • The expression pedal and the mod wheel should be integrated as Macro 5 & 6 or have a function to have the Expression Pedal or the Pitchbend mapped to one of the 4 macros. I use expression pedals a lot, and it’s an awesome luxury to have my hands free and control elements of the mix or sound design by foot. I usually control parts volumes, the cutoff, and effects Mix with one push for each performance patch. As of version 1.1.6, I am not able to map more than one BROAD mix effect to the expression pedal. As soon as I’d like to map the cutoff or an LFO amount to the expression pedal, I am brought back automatically by Analog Lab to the broader mix features (tracks volumes, effects, pan, etc.). I know that there is a filter effect that I can insert in the mixer view, but it’s not the same as having a filter per voice with each its own envelope.

  • There should be a master BPM function per song or per patch. Unless I am mistaken, right now, if you want to switch between songs and use the arpeggiator, you need to change the tempo on the keyboard, which eats time between songs in a live setting. Having different songs at different tempos with delays and modulation effects on time would also be nice!

  • Midi Filter should also have an option to output Program Change data only. This is super useful when you hook your pedals to the synth through Midi, and one click on the keyboard changes all the patches together (so less need to dance around to change patches on the pedal board). The midi filter is useful if you don’t want played notes to trigger midi CC events on pedals (such as the Strymon Timeline), where playing the G2 triggers an awful distortion effect.

  • While I am in the program change topic, each patch or song should have an option to send out a specific program change instruction through midi. On the DX7 ii, you can, per example, have patch 03 output program change 06. This is super useful when navigating through pedal banks (like the Strymons etc). Right now, with my Astrolab, scrolling through songs and patches in the Playlist won’t send any program change command to my pedals. The good news is that the arturia FX are super awesome, so I will maybe even quit using pedals if I figure out a way to mimic the Strymon Timeline “Hold” effect.

The bugs that I have been experiencing:

  • The USB connection between the computer and the synth are not reliable enough. Yesterday, I stopped working on both simultaneously and switched to working on the computer only, as my connection to the computer kept dropping. At the end of the day, I wasn’t able to transfer my patches to the syntheziser with my M2 Mac. I will try again today with my M1 laptop (which seemed to be more stable).

  • Editing a part’s instrument will drop the volume of one or both parts dramatically. Once I exit the part edit, the proper gain structure comes back 95% of the time. On 5% of the time, I need to reload the patch to fix the gain issue. This is a bit frustrating, as the gain drop influences greatly sound design decisions. Sometimes, I will need to do a couple of back and forths to re-adjust settings to taste.

  • Some part edits can only be heard once you’re done editing, you saved the performance patch, and you reload it in the synth. This is kind of time consuming and not a pleasant real time experience of the synth. This happened to me when adjusting the “Tines Volume” on the STAGE 73. You go on with your editing and 10 mins later, after you reload the patch, the Tines are in your face. This also happened to me with the Synclavier’s ADSR and with the DX7’s onboard FX section. In short, there seem to be a few communication errors between the synth and my computers (M1 Macbook Air, M2 Mac Studio).

  • In order for the Astrolab to load my expression pedal Mapping, I need to save the performance patch into my library, then re-add it to my setlist and delete the previous one. If I want to go back and edit a patch with an expression pedal mapping, I need to re-map it again, because if I forget it, it will get removed automatically once I transfer the performance back to the synth. This is super inconsistent, and I am thinking of not using the expression pedal at all for the moment because of this (I have a custom programmable MIDI pedal that I will map to Macro 1 instead). Again, if I am mistaken somehow, please let me know!

Anyway thank you for making an great sounding synthesizer!


Hi @novalis and welcome to The Sound Explorers Forum!

That’s quite a list you have there! I’m sure our team will be only too keen for your feedback on such a new and amazing instrument!

Please make sure to subscribe to our Newsletter to be the first to know about the latest from Arturia.

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Subscribe everything, it seems that every youtuber got one but no one is really using it for playing live, these issues are big as an elephant in the room…

and personally add:

  • BT latency around 2-3 secs, bt audio out of tune

  • Missing features from the manual: tuning, voice count for example

  • Preset loading time-o-rama when switching sound, garbage between the 2 sounds occurs if you play during patch load

hope we get major fixes SOON!


Hi, I also get frequently small sound dropouts especially when playing the piano sounds with sustain pedal, it happens very often even if only very few notes are played and sustained, so it can not be due to voice stealing. I hope this gets fixed quickly because it makes it really impossible to play piano parts.



Here are some bugs I have been experiencing:

  1. I agree with [pgoergen]'s report of dropouts, mainly in piano sounds.

  2. The mapping of Aux1 expression as a trigger for Rotary Fast On/Off is reset to the default “Next Preset” setting as soon as the Astrolab boots up.

  3. Astrolab’s connectivity to the computer is lost when launching an application from the V-Collection in parallel to Audio Lab Pro.

Feature Requests:

  1. Programs that are mapped to a partial range, such as Hammonds, should have LED lights on top of the keys indicating the usable range.

  2. The Home Page needs to be more accessible with fewer button presses.

  3. The LEDs on top of the keys can also be programmed to indicate the tempo.

  4. While blue LED rings around all the knobs are nice, different colored LED rings can be strategically used if implemented around the effects knobs, so they can be differentiated in dim lighting: Red for Reverb, Purple/Pink for Phaser, Cyan for Chorus, Daffodil (yellow) for Delay. Also, EQ rings could be logically colored as Lilac (low EQ), Magenta for Mid-EQ, and Harlequin Green (for Hi-EQ).

  5. A simpler incoming/outgoing Midi CC mapping method in orderto control sound variants would be nice.

  6. User Playlists need to be displayed in a different colour than the Preset Playlists.

  7. Mellotron-V support is in high demand.

Looking forward to your solutions and developments.


Small request:

Default arp speed should be 1/16. I can play anything at 1/4 haha:)

Love the astrolab, Arturia!


what is the deal with the always on display? Is there any plan to add a screensaver mode? I can not imagine having the screen on 100% of the time is good for longevity?


New AL owner here!
Generally I’m very happy with this board so far -
The connectivity with analog lab is amazing and it’s so nice to use a library I am familiar with in a live environment.


I have a few notes and a question…
Notes first:

  • the other night during a long jam session, the AL froze up - 3 times, requiring a forced restart. Happened while I was trying to change patches - i think - did not have time to stop and diagnose. It’s one thing for something to crash occasionally in the studio, but this can’t happen onstage with a live instrument. It’s disastrous. I wish I had more info about the circumstances. I hope this is something that is being worked on because it could be a dealbreaker for me.

  • To my ears, the variation in volume between patches is wild, and there are some incredibly sharp resonances that render certain patches unusable. I’m just starting to work through the massive library to organize my sounds, but leveling everything seems really hard to do and I’m not sure the limiter is enough.


Is there a way to map a pedal to the shift button?
Operations like saving a patch on the fly, are cumbersome onstage and require both hands leaving the keyboard to accomplish.



Additional Astro Lab Bug Report, relating to the severe stuck note issue:

A single note often hangs upon fast playing, i.e mainly when one hand holds a note (or several notes) while the other moves fast.
In other words, newly played notes do not get prioritized over formerly played ones (note stealing algorithm activity not at all apparent)

This happens randomly, in various patches, regardless of their instrument (DX7, FARFISA, B3, WURLITZER etc.), nature of the sound (monophonic or polyphonic) and its inherent maximum polyphony.

I have documented only ‘white’ notes getting stuck, mainly G2, G3, F4, G4.

While not necessarily the same note, it’s always a single note that gets stuck, and it is not released for as long as a patch is maintained.

When moving to another patch, and the stuck notes is hit once - the hang seems to be freed - but as playing continues, after a short while the same note that got stuck before gets stuck again, this time on the new patch.

Notes still get stuck even when no pedals are connected to the unit, nor MIDI cables.

The Astrolab does not have a PANIC button, and although Analog Lab Pro has a PANIC feature in the right lower corner, the software’s button (while linked to Astrolab) seldom releases the stuck notes.
In comparison, initializing all settings on the unit itself, on main Settings>General menu page, does not seem to solve anything.

Turning the unit off does help, but the problem persists once the unit starts to be played again, and usually the note freezing will be different.


I second the distinct volume difference phenomenon when changing patches.

Another thing that I have noticed is, that when controlled through DIN MIDI the Astrolab behaves oddly, even with MIDI program change turned off and a constant MIDI volume at the 127 maximum value:

On the MIDI controller, patches of fixed velocity are played at a volume similar between the Astrolab’s keybed and the controller’s midi out. Oddly, Astrolab patches with variable velocity are introduced with a considerable drop in volume between the Controller and the Astrolab. The Astrolab plays louder, the controller plays the Astrolab much softer.


I’ve also had the stuck notes - not sure which but it’s another one of those things that cannot happen onstage.

A common complaint other musicians have about keyboard players, is uneven loudness between patches - while the limiter is a welcome feature, it’s not nearly
enough to solve the issue.

I’ve essentially had to dump the entire preset library and build back one instrument at a time.


I don’t have the AstroLab yet, but I did try one out. It would replace everything I have on stage except the keyboard and pedals, which would be great.
BUT - These reports of the keyboard crashing and notes sticking are very troublesome. I just could not have any of that happening, ever. Yes, my current setup is complicated with many cables, interfaces and a PC - but it’s completely reliable. I can’t give that up.
Also - I often use delays that are set to the BPM of a song. We use click tracks all the time, so the delays sound good exactly matching the tempo. If I can’t have the tempo automatically change with the song program, that won’t work for me, either. I would use the arpeggiator feature in the same way, too.
One very large complaint I have after trying out the AstroLab is that there really are not any useable guitar emulations. For many performances, I have to cover guitar parts and the Music Lab guitars (VST’s) that I use on my PC are fantastic. AstroLab guitars don’t have to be that good, but they have to be close. I’m hopeful that they will come out with an “Augmented Guitars” product. The “Augmented Yangtze” strings sound amazing. Just do the same thing with guitars, Arturia!


Hi everyone,

Thank you all for your feedback and suggestions! We’ve passed your insights to the Product team and we are working on several updates to enhance the AstroLab experience. We’re prioritizing these based on community input, so keep letting us know which features matter most to you.

For specific issues, please reach out to our team of experts here for the latest updates and assistance: Ask for help | Arturia - The Sound Explorers

Our Support team are most qualified to provide an accurate answer and guide you with the steps to take. :wrench:



Really good to know you guys are listening!

Issue: It seems some settings aren’t saving when I power down - for instance, I mapped tap tempo to a foot switch plugged into Aux1, and have had to re-map each time I power on…

Analog Lab issue - I just spent an hour editing a single preset. An AugStrings/DX7 combo arp. I edited in both V collection instruments, and went to “Save Preset”. Doing so wiped out all the changes I’d made. Like it saved the changes I’d made in analog lab and just reverted the individual instruments back to how I had originally “saved as”. Broke my heart a little. It seems the only way to ensure a preset is saved is to do a new “save as”, which is what it is but definitely not intuitive.

So the AstroLab is geared towards performance, and dedicated performers are particular about their sound - often (hopefully) carefully tailoring every patch before stepping onstage. I’d be shocked if anyone is using untouched presets in a live setting. As an improviser my ideal is to be able to jump from sound to sound and know exactly what’s coming.

On the flip side, whether it means to be or not, Analog Lab is not flexible enough for perfectly tailored sounds - that is what V collection is for.
(GarageBand is to Logic as AnalogLab is to V Collection)
If I’m editing something, I want to dig down to the ground level and work up, and that means getting into the architecture - so I’ll get it just right in this “pro” level environment only to arrive at a less flexible effects section.

I hope there are plans to connect straight to V collection instruments, an ability to use Arturia’s terrific FX collection, and maybe add some more controls per function on the board itself - dedicated eq - hitting the shift button while playing is SUPER awkward if all I’m trying to do is cut the treble.

Looking forward to updates!

(A dream feature would be a tempo detector using the audio input!)


Hello there,
je possède l’AL depuis hier et j’ai aussi remarqué pas mal des bugs cités plus haut, en particulier les petits artefacts aléatoires sur le piano avec la pedale. C’est comme si le processeur saturait, alors qu’il n’affiche que 40-50%.
J’ai pris l’astrolab en partie pour remplacer mon vieux piano numérique, mais la c’est assez décevant à ce prix surtout… j’espere que la prochaine maj corrigera tous ces petits problèmes !
Payer le prix fort pour au final être beta testeur c’est un peu dommage…


Hello, I would like to know why the the arp is somewhat different than the arp on the Keylab. I do have a Keylab Essential MK3 too and there it is possible with hold and ordered mode to add the same note several times to an arp, wich makes it possible to repeat notes in an arp (e.g. to have arps like c3 d3 e3 c4 c4 c4 …) wich is not possible on the Astrolab. This is a mode I like a lot, it would be great if this would be added to the Astrolab too, essentially it would be useful to make the arp work the same than on the Keylab.


Hello! Happy to see that this thread is still alive!

Reporting two new bugs:

1 - Inverting the sustain pedal polarity will make the playlists / setlists screen laggy. Entering the setlist and scrolling through the songs works fine. This happens when I reset all settings and just proceed to change the sustain pedal’s polarity only. So all other settings besides the polarity are OEM.

2 - Not necessarily a bug, but a major drawback: the BPMs.

My Analog lab’s tempo (general settings) doesn’t sync on my Astrolab anymore.

The problem: the internal BPM is a global function and not a per song function. The internal way of changing the BPMs only increases or decreases the tempo by steps of 2.5 BPMs. This is not precise enough. I had to change the click track of a song for all the band, because a song was 104 BPM and the closest I could go with an arpeggiated patch on the Astrolab was 105 BPM. We should at least be able to change the BPMs by steps of 1 BPM. An even better feature would be to have a selectable BPM per patch.

Because of this, I only use the arpeggiator on a single song on my setlists, and my global tempo stays at 105 BPMs (closest I can get to 104 BPMs) for the full length of the set.

Meanwhile, this site has been my best friend for calculating synched ms and hz for my effects:

Yes, switching sounds rapidly during a set is always super stressing! With my band, we play a 10mins meddley during our setlist and we switch songs on the fly, without skipping a beat. I always have to stop playing for at least half a measure to allow for the sounds of the next patch to load… and even then it sometimes isn’t enough… Having to stop playing for more than half a measure leaves a big gap in the band’s sound… While I play my set, I start thinking of the coming meddley with dread 3-4 songs before we even start it. That stress is less than optimal in a live setting.


+111111 for the Mellotron Support!

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Hooray i was thinking of going mad , finally someone with the same point of view: by now you cannot consider AL a full “live” machine, compared to a “same target price” like Modx, Korg Nautilus or Roland FA0x that does (seamless or not) instant sound change…
Ok for the good quality of sound and ease of use, not so OK for the polyphony, try by yourself to stick the sustain pedal down on a piano sound and you will get voice click and off more than sometimes…
Will it be fixed with next fw? who knows… even if a new fw will be - or a “Astrolab Pro” pop out? - that’s why i am keeping it on the rack, and not on the road. No time to waste getting mad onto prodramming and sound design…