[bug] Midi Control Center 18.0.1 not saving Keylab 3 pad note assignments

MIDI Control Center v1.18.0.247 is not saving the midi note assignments I set for the pads on my Keylab 3.

I have to go to the Keylab 3 and manually set them up at the keyboard. For example, when I assign a type: note, option: gate, note: c1 in the MIDI Control Center and save in a local template and then store it to a user device memory, the device memory always resets the Keylab pad assignments to be turned off.

I contacted support but was hoping maybe someone here can confirm or tell me what I’m doing wrong.

Keylab 61 mk III firmware 1.0.4, OS X Sonoma 14.7, Logic Pro

Similar issue for me since updating to latest. Here is what I’m sending support:

MCC v1.18.1.3 and KL3 only (No DAW required)

My USER Templates are thankfully still active in KL3 but are now not showing my configurations in MCC APP. The 6 slots are listed ok but clicking into to each one, I see all the Pads/Colours, Faders, Pots are showing the Same as Default. None of my changes are showing.

I took a very long time to configure each USER slot and always back them up so can provide each USER file if required. I have also tried to Import the backups back into MCC but each one just shows the default template again.

I have also tried reinstalling MCC but no luck.

Any luck on your issue?

Hi @flexoffset and welcome to The Sound Explorers Forum!

Thanks for identifying this bug! We’re sorry to hear about it.

We will let The Arturia team know about this in order to add it to their priorities and they will contact you.

Please let us know if you find any other issue.

Best :zap:

Thanks @MiR too!

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Just to offer this:

I was able to “Restore” my templates from the KL3 back into MCC by using the function in the Menu bar. (Thankfully I had not done a factory reset before hand so they were still there in KL)

Now MCC works fine and shows my USER configs.
So I guess since the latest update, the old templates or MCC had a disconnect somehow and needed a sort of refresh? Anyway ok for me now. :slightly_smiling_face:


P.S. I do hope things will still work if I ever needed a factory reset again and my Template backups will work as expected. :thinking:


The latest firmware upgrade fixed my problems. I forgot to report back.