Audiofuse 16rig not powering down via button

Hello All,

I have had the 16rig for about a month and I love it but there is a persistent issue where it doesn’t power down when you press and hold the button. I have to power down my Furman to turn it off. I imagine it shouldn’t be powered down in that fashion. Anyone else experiencing this?

Also I keep being asked to update the firmware which I did. Im on Mac OS Sonoma with M2 silicon.


Hi @wheresthefunk_TTV and welcome to The Sound Explorers Forum!

Sorry to hear this is happening, i think it would be a good idea to log in to your account to contact our support team that will help you to fix this situation.

Best :zap:


I’m experiencing the same behavior after I switch presets (as described in Audiofuse Control Center Issue w/presets).

Were you able to resolve the issue ?


Nope. I have a ticket in to support and supposedly they’re working on it, but that’s all I know. I’m just using one preset for now and adjusting things manually as needed. Not ideal, but I’m assuming this will get fixed sooner rather than later.