I have dozens of Arturia sound banks that unfortunately don’t seem to be NI NKS compatible. Arturia instruments in V Collection (and Pigments) are NKS compatible with their factory sound banks, but other sound banks I bought from Arturia are not. As a result, these sound banks don’t appear in Komplete Kontrol. For example, I can load Pigments in Komplete Kontrol, and sound banks Amethyst, Cloudscape, Dystopian Machine, etc., etc, don’t appear in Komplete Kontrol, only the Pigments factory sound banks.
Does Arturia have NKS compatible sound banks I can download?
You are correct the soundpacks contain no NKS files.
But you can still open the presets inside your Komplete Kontrol software and then save them as NKS files yourself .
I assume the validation for the soundpack presets work anyway. Try it out.
Unfortunately, I have over 40 sound banks just in Pigments, that’s over 1,600 sounds.
Maybe I’ll set a day aside and convert them all if I get a chance. There’s PresetMagician that can do it in one shot, but it’s Windows only and I use a MacBook Pro.
Why does’nt NI provide such a converter?
Yeah, that’s a good idea. They should add it into Komplete Kontrol.
This has been an issue with Arturia expansions for a very long time. It really should be part of the package directly or as a download via Arturia Software Center.