Arturia plugins asking for activation during live show

I use Mainstage for live shows and some of the sounds in my set use Arturia plugins. Last night the patches with Arturia vsts wouldn’t make a sounds and when I opened the plugin it asked me to log into my Arturia account to verify that I have the licence. I had to use my phone’s wifi hotspot to login and then everything worked.
Never had this issue with other vsts and it’s an absolute deal breaker to use these in a live situation. Is this a known issue or was there a mistake on my side?

HI @jonas2009 and welcome to The Sound Explorers Forum!

Ouch, yeah i can understand how that might be a bit ‘difficult’ for you.

Putting myself in that situation, i think i’d run ASC during sound check, particularly knowing what you’ve just said.
I’m thinking it most likely happened because your machine was used to having an internet connection and ASC spotted something ‘different’ about your config, handy for making thieves lives difficult if someone had stolen the machine, but not so handy in your situation clearly.

Again, personally, i’d be inclined to log into my account and discuss with support.


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thanks. I sent a message to support.

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