Arturia as part of Music Tech «à la française»?

Has Arturia been partnering up with other French organizations? Has the French government been receptive to projects involving Arturia and its peers? Does it matter at all that Aodyo, Émilie Gillet, Expressive E, UVI, Intuitive Instruments (dualo), Joué, and Ircam are all based in France (not to mention Selmer and Buffet Crampon)?
Maybe not.

Been wondering for a while about relationships between diverse companies in France which release the kinds of products we use for “musicking”. Not that I think there’s something so specific about French businesses when it comes to music technology. It’s more about the emergence of something of an innovation ecosystem with music as a core part.
Funnily enough, I was recently made aware of Music Tech France, which has been part of a forum about French entrepreneurship. While the tech and people involved are quite interesting (especially for someone like me who cares about Data Literacy), it’s quite another type of “music tech” than the one produced by Arturia or those discussed on SonicTalk. Unless I’m mistaken, most of those things have little to do with creating and producing music using computers and other electronic devices.

So, some insight as to connections between these French orgs would be appreciated.


Hey @Enkerli welcome to our Sound Explorers community!
and thanks for your interest in Arturia.

Indeed the french ecosystem has been very important in the development of the music and technology field, specially those you mentioned and also from the electronic music scene we have a lot to thank.
We’re really proud to be part of this movement as top quality fabricants of digital instruments worldwide.

We participate in events like the Superbooth in Germany among others but I don’t have detailed information about partnerships as you’re asking for.

Nevertheless I invite you to write to our marketing team through our contact form I’m sure they will have more information to share with you.

Also, make sure to subscribe to our Newsletter to know more about us!

Thanks again for opening this topic on our forum, don’t hesitate to share the results of your research if it evolves!

Best :zap:

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