Analog Lav V gone, now I have Analog Lab Pro?

My old windows 10 computer with Analog Lav V was replaced with a new windows 10 machine. I downloaded all the same recording software and plugins. However, I see that my Analog Lab V is gone, and someone I have Analog Lab Pro in its place. Is there a way to get the Analog Lav V back and separate from the Pro?

I had this

and now all i have is this

Thank you,

Hi @sharkbite ,

Analog Lab PRO is at the moment Analog Lab (V) version 5. You have the PRO version it sound like.

Look like it has been a while since you updated. It has been like that for quite some time.
Click the Icon left of the preset name in the top of the application where you see the red dot in your image to go to Explore view.

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Thank you so much for helping, that means a lot. You are awesome, now I can see the same view as before. I just have to figure out how to upload all the sound banks I had purchased and get my user presets back. Thank you again.

You are welcome @sharkbite .


Forgot you have installed on a new PC.

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I have always wondered if its possible to have AnalogLab open up in the explorer menu by default rather than in Keys / Classic Juno?

Hi @innovationsinm ,

You can set the Start Page you want in Analog Lab’s Right Panel under Settings. Set it to Explore, then the application open on that page.

Thankyou. I was trying the left side with save as opening preset. And logic set as default to no avail. 3 different places that sound like they do the same thing, only one works.