Analog Lab V VST Login Screen on every re-load (no sound)

Hi everyone! How are you doing?
I’m experiencing the next issue on the last update of Analog Lab V (VST version).
Every time I open a session where I already have one instance of Analog Lab V it doesn’t have sound until I open it and wait a few seconds until the login screen disappear.

  1. I have the ASC installed and upgraded.
  2. I reset all the licenses

This doesn’t occur on Standalone version.
It also don’t happen when I load the VST the first time, only happens when I open a previous session on my DAW.

If anyone has experienced the same and managed to fix it it would be great to hear how, it’s not a big big deal but it’s a little frustrating. Thanks :heart:

Hi @jere_marful. Welcome to the community.

Hope you are doing well.

Similar issues with Arturia applications have already been reported in this community.

I suggest you contact Arturia support through your account.

An Arturia’s support employee provided me a solution that worked!
I’m going to paste the instructions down here:

> First go to: C:\ProgramData*

If you have not enabled the display of hidden folders please go to your file explorer → display → check “show hidden folders” to access it.

> Delete the concerned “ArturiaSC” folder

> Then, please go to this folder: C:\Program Files (x86)\Arturia\Arturia Software Center

> And then right-click on the uninstaller and choose “Run as an administrator”.

> Once done, make sure to reinstall it with the help of this direct download link and also by right-clicking on the installer and choosing “Run as an administrator”:

> After that, open Arturia Software Center and go to >Preferences>Licenses>Deactivate all

> Finally, activate all your products again and then restart the computer

Done! :slight_smile: