Analog lab V crashing logic

the newest version of analog lab V is giving me major issues - logic crashes more or less as soon as I try to browse the presets. on an M2 mac with plenty of power under the hood, have already tried reinstalling everything. was working perfectly fine up until this update. has anyone else experienced this or have ideas on a fix?

Hi @faure and welcome to our Sound Explorers Forum.

Sorry to read this, in order to help you better please log in to your account to contact our support team that will help you to fix this situation.

Best :zap:

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Did you found a solution? I have the same problem since December. It seems to be an issue with the name change from V to Pro. All others plugins from arturia works fine but even if I uninstall and install analog lab 5 it keeps crashing. So far customer service didn’t help much and are really slow to response.