Analog Lab kills all other audio upon starting

Every time I start Analog Lab V, it runs, but any other audio (e.g., YouTube) is immediately muted. It’s as if it is taken exclusive control of ALL audio when it runs. I have to completely reboot in order to get other audio back.

Windows 11. I don’t have this problem with Gig Performer.

Hi @scubadog2008 and welcome to The Sound Explorers Forum!

It sounds like there might be a mismatch in sample rates between ALV and your interface, you should check both to make sure they’re the same.
Open ALV and click on the hamburger icon in the top left corner, then ‘Audio midi settings’ and you’ll see your sample rate setting for ALV as in the pic below.

Check your interface’s sample rate by calling up its control panel by clicking ‘show control panel’ below the sample rate field.


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Thank you! I’ll look at that the moment I get home. BTW, I am using the Mackie ProFX v3 board for all audio input/output.

Here’s what I have:

And when I Show Control Panel:

So, they do match. Changes you can suggest I make to either/both?

Hi again @scubadog2008
Yes that seems to be as it should be, i’m not sure what ‘safe mode’ is though, perhaps turning that off might help?
I do have some software that will ‘hog’ the ASIO driver on my own system, specifically Steinberg products, but they will release the driver once they’re loaded.

One other option possibly, if you’re using a Mackie mixer, would be to use your onboard sound for things like youtube and route the physical output through one of the mixer channels. I used to do something similar MANY years ago when windows was even more finicky than it is these days.


ASIO4ALL would automatically spin up when I started ALP. Last night, I changing the setting to the Windows Audio Driver (Low Latency):

And that has fixed the issue. But I really don’t like not using the actual Mackie driver. So far, with this configuration, I’m not running into issues, but I haven’t really loaded down the system yet.

@scubadog2008 I notice that your sample rate has changed from 44.1KHz to 96KHz using the Win Audio driver, this will increase the load on your system somewhat.
How does it perform with that driver set to 44.1KHz?

It could be that the Mackie driver isn’t ‘multi client’… this Reddit thread might be of interest to you… Here.


I can certainly drop it to 44.1KHz to see. Thing is, previous version of Analog Lab never had an issue with the Mackie and other things like YouTube (I often do keyboard practice along with YouTube videos, Amazon Music or my own OneDrive library). Ultimately, what I’m trying to do is get to a point where Analog Lab and the .vst instruments I rely on can play nice with each other inside of Gig Performer. I can drop in all my .vst’s into Gig Performer and all other audio apps work…but (until switching to the Win Audio driver) the moment I dropped in ALP it would “break” everything else. I’ll continue tweaking and see how much load this puts on my system.

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