Analog Lab 5 isn't capable of keeping playlists?

Hello, I’m trying to prepare a preset playlist for a live setup, and it seems like the plugin cannot handle a playlist. Let me try to explain…

I’ve created a playlist with 15 different presets, but each time I restart my DAW and try to switch between presets, I get an error message “The preset can’t be found.” I could easily resolve it by switching to a different playlist and then returning to the intended one, but today something even weirder happened. I started my DAW, and half of the presets had disappeared. Specifically speaking - the ones I edited for my needs (adjusted master volume and saved them as new presets).

I’m using Analog Lab 5 with Ableton Live 11 on a 2015 MacBook Pro. What can I do to fix the problem?

Hi @kpodmusik . Welcome to the community.


Analog Lab V PRO version 5.8.3963.

I can’t reproduce the “Preset can’t be found”. At least not yet and with what i have done.

However i have found that a preset from a Arturia soundpack does’nt stay selected when saving a DAW project when using a playlist. If i save the preset using Save As before i move it to the playlist, then it does work. That look like a bug to me.
Strangely it work fine with other presets from the same soundpack. So it seem to be related to individual presets.
I noticed that the not working presets Save As option is’nt avaiable, when moved directly to the playlist, but it is before.
I can’t tell, if it’s only with certain presets from Artuyria Soundpacks.

I got the strange behavior above with the preset Cinematic Bass from the Synthopedia soundpack.

In your case:
Do you use Soundpack presets?
Do you save the preset before you move it to the Playlist using Save As? Perhaps this is a workaround.

I suggest you contact Arturia support. The more precise you report - the better. Feel free to post a link to this thread, if you think it can help.