Why no midi implementation charts for any products?

Hi all. The forum doesn’t seem so active but I’m not sure where else to ask. I’m new to the world of hardware synths but have started acquiring one or two over the last year to satisfy my curiosity - mostly cheaper stuff. The Minifreak and Drumbrute Impact are easily my favourite purchases - I’m generally delighted with them.

I’m using a fairly convoluted MIDI set-up but I’ve been able to get everything to work for the Roland, Korg and Novation stuff because they all publish MIDI implementation charts. But there’s nothing for the Arturias? There’s a small section in the Minifreak FAQ but it’s not comprehensive (only CC messages) and it doesn’t use the standard MIDI Implementation chart format. There’s nothing for the Drumbrute Impact at all?

Using google I found some people who have tried to compile such charts but I know (from examining messages coming out of the my Drumebrute impact, for example) that these charts are not comprehensive.

How come (to my limited experience) all midi hardware manufacturers seem to provide these standardized charts but Arturia do not? Is it a conscious decision? Is it likely to be rectified?

Hi @derriz . Welcome to the community.

What more than midi CC and unique midi messages do you need to know about?

In Minifreak which midi CC do you fine is not using the generel midi Charts used today? Which Chart do you compare to?

I don’t have a hardware MiniFreak. But i think it would be a good idea to have a option to have a user setup for midi CC’s, if that’s not the case allready.

Only Arturia can really answer your questions.

First, Arturia’s synths are software-based, and their MIDI implementation is constantly evolving. This makes it difficult to provide a static chart that is always up-to-date.

Second, Arturia’s synths are designed to be controlled using their own proprietary software, rather than generic MIDI controllers. This means that the MIDI implementation is not as standardized as it is for other brands of synths.

Finally, Arturia is a relatively small company with limited resources. They may not have the time or manpower to create and maintain standardized MIDI implementation charts for all of their synths.