I’m confused by how the sequencer works. I created the sequence below. I record the midi of the sequence. The notes Pigments emits don’t match what the sequence shows.
How I set up this in Ableton: I have one track playing the sequence. Another track receives the midi from Pigments and records the notes from the first track. The first track has a legato note at F#2.
I have snap to scale on, the scale is Major! My question: How does Pigmetns decide to play the sequence? How can I get identical notes to what is on the sequence?
The set Sequence notes should be the notes you hear, when you play a C note. (Keep that in mind, when you create a sequence.)
It look like you play a F# note, then the notes are transposed with the interval between a played C and F# note.
An interval is the number of notes between the played notes. Both white and black keys count. There are 6 notes interval between a C and a F#.
As said, playa C note, then the note names you have set in your sequencer should be the result.
I just played this sequence by triggering it with the A2. This is what I got. No match! I’m also choosing a major scale. Shouldn’t all the notes be white?
Some success! If I trigger the sequence with a “C” (which I did for every piano octave) I get the sequence correctly mapped to that C’s octave. I verified this testing with multiple sequences
My question remains: How is the transposal calculated when a sequence is triggered by a key other than C?
The Sequencers base note is C. If you for example play a C# note, then the base note is C#. If that C# note is a semi note higher the C note you have tested, then all notes in the sequence is transposed one semi note higher.