What notes the sequncer plays when a sequnce is triggered


I’m confused by how the sequencer works. I created the sequence below. I record the midi of the sequence. The notes Pigments emits don’t match what the sequence shows.

How I set up this in Ableton: I have one track playing the sequence. Another track receives the midi from Pigments and records the notes from the first track. The first track has a legato note at F#2.

I have snap to scale on, the scale is Major! My question: How does Pigmetns decide to play the sequence? How can I get identical notes to what is on the sequence?

Hi @StarPigment ,

The set Sequence notes should be the notes you hear, when you play a C note. (Keep that in mind, when you create a sequence.)
It look like you play a F# note, then the notes are transposed with the interval between a played C and F# note.

Thanks for the input.

What is the formula for the transposal? Every name seems to be different from what is in the sequence.

An interval is the number of notes between the played notes. Both white and black keys count. There are 6 notes interval between a C and a F#.
As said, playa C note, then the note names you have set in your sequencer should be the result.

I just played this sequence by triggering it with the A2. This is what I got. No match! I’m also choosing a major scale. Shouldn’t all the notes be white?

Some success! If I trigger the sequence with a “C” (which I did for every piano octave) I get the sequence correctly mapped to that C’s octave. I verified this testing with multiple sequences

My question remains: How is the transposal calculated when a sequence is triggered by a key other than C?

The Sequencers base note is C. If you for example play a C# note, then the base note is C#. If that C# note is a semi note higher the C note you have tested, then all notes in the sequence is transposed one semi note higher.

Thank you so much! I get it now. This is all new to me.

You are welcome.