What is the deal with static buffer sound and lousy interfaces

I have been running into the problem where the static comes in while playing music, only to disappear with a few movements of the mouse and waiting.

I have been using the M Audio M Track 8x4 on the computer here where it is happening.
After some weeks with occasionally trying to open up Studio One here and finding this is an issue, and lately just opening the Arturia V Collection X CS 80 V 4 I just got 2 nights ago I also ran into this happening on the desktop.

I was using the M Audio interface for this.

Any one know if this is the problem that causes these static buffer underruns or whatever they are called? I don’t see any way out of this, that I can reliably use this computer for music. Fortunately it is not my main computer for music, but it would be good to be able to use this computer for this function.

Any ideas how to permanently eliminate this static from creeping into my audio? Because once it is in there, I pretty much have to stop what I am doing and move a window around or something for it to stop.
AMD Ryzen 5900HX sharing graphics duty with AMD Radeon VEGA graphics (only 2100 MHz graphics lite unit) in the MINI PC type MINI PC here.

I am leaning towards this being an issue with the Interface from M Audio. Guess I could bring one of my other interfaces in here to test but that would require major disentanglement from my Music computer first.

Anyone have the known solution to buffer static?

This is the topic of the day!

I am trying to use my MINI PC and it just doesn’t want to hold onto that interface (windows).
Too bad, I have all the cables all set up to work for minimal production stuff but every minute or so it will invariably go from beautiful audio to complete static mess. Especially when using the CS 80 V4. Too bad. It would have been really cool to use this computer for this but it’s a big mess. Even drops the interface quite often. I still think it’s cause of the weak GPU or non GPU situation on the computer.

I have never experienced anything like you have. I’m running on both a MacBook and a Mac mini.

I would ask what io drivers you are running. and as it’s windows, what version build you are on. Not to be a shot at windows, but I’ve seen other artists who swear an awful lot at windows as what might work fine one day stops working with a Microsoft update the next